Bad News......


18 Mαϊ 2006

Sega may stop GD-ROM production as early as February!

It is certain that Sega of Japan plans to discontinue production of GD-ROM media in February, 2007. This media is used almost exclusively by the Sega Dreamcast home console, and the NAOMI arcade system. By stopping production, future official games (licensed by Sega) on the Dreamcast or NAOMI will not be possible.

(The NAOMI is important, because games such as Ikaruga, Border Down, Puyo Puyo Fever, and nearly all official import DC games from 2004-2007 originated on NAOMI.)

If GD-ROM production is discontinued, this means:


* No more NAOMI arcade games.

* No more NAOMI ports to Dreamcast (Recent NAOMI ports include Under Defeat and Radirgy).

* Trigger Heart Exelica (February 2007) and Karous (March 2007) will unexpectedly be the final official Dreamcast games.

* The NAOMI 2 will no longer be supported.

* The Chihiro arcade board will no longer be supported.

* GD-ROM capabilities of the Triforce arcade board will no longer be supported.

This doesn't need to happen, as developers are fond of the NAOMI for its relative low cost, ease of production and accessibility, and straightforward ports to the Dreamcast home console. Warashi returned to the scroll shooting genre with Trigger Heart Exelica on NAOMI, and Milestone would likely gladly continue to produce further games following Karous on the system as well.

Sega themselves have recently presented Dynamite Deka EX running on NAOMI. If GD-ROM production continues, there is a much greater chance that we'll see a home console port of this game on DC within a year. Please speak up now, and help us to ensure the continuation of GD-ROM production.

In order to show your opposition for the ceasing of production of GD-ROM media, please click on the image below, save and print, sign and date it, and then mail it to Sega of Japan, located at the following address:

Sega of Japan

1-2-12 Haneda

Ohta-ku, Tokyo, 144-8531


Because of the urgency of this matter, we, as Dreamcast-Scene, do not have time to compile collected signatures and send them in a large package as usual. These letters will need to be sent straight to the source. If you bring the sealed and addressed envelope to your local post office, they will be able to affix the exact amount of postage.
Το έχω δει το petition.

Μάλλον η Sega θεωρεί ζημιογόνο το να κρατάει την παραγωγή GD-ROM ανοιχτή για 3-4 τίτλους τον χρόνο (και αν...). Προσωπικά το βλέπω χλωμό να αλλάξει κάτι ακόμα και αν το petition πάρει 100 χιλιάδες υπογραφές. Ειδικά αν αυτή την στιγμή δεν υπάρχει κανένα παιχνίδι σε προχωρημένο development για να κυκλοφορήσει μετά το Karasu/Karous/Crow (που είναι και το πιθανότερο).

Για το Dreamcast ειδικά πάντως δεν έχουν χαθεί όλα, υπάρχει πάντα το "παράθυρο" που επιτρέπει σε ανεξάρτητους developers να φορτώσουν το παιχνίδι τους από CD (όπως ήδη έχουν κάνει διάφορα unlicensed τύπου Feet Of Fury, Bleemcast, Inhabitants κλπ που δεν ήταν σε GD-ROM)

Αλλά βέβαια, με το Naomi gone δεν θα δούμε άλλα υπέροχα shooters... :animangry:
ΜΑΛΑΚΙΑ!!! (sorry για την εκφραση αλλα τα εχω παρει)
Πακέτο .... Απ'το κακό στο χειρότερο πάει αυτή η εταιρία. :(
Ψηφιστε με για SEGA CEO και θα σας βγαλω Vectorman3,Shenmue3 και φρεσκο PD SAGA στο καπακι!! :D
Wally for President λοιπόν :D :D :tease:


Παντως απο οτι φαινεται το GDROM επεσε θυμα του πολεμου Taito-X2 vs Lindbergh :(