Ο Βασιλιάς και το άγαλμα

  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας toxygen
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης


13 Μάρ 2009

I would like to apologize that this post is not in Greek, but I can't speak Greek very well therefore I'm writing it in English.

I came across book Ο βασιλιάς και το άγαλμα by Κώστας Ασημακόπουλος and I was amazed. I did search some more about it on google and found following websites:



I would desperately want to see these tv series. I would like to ask if anybody know where to buy them or if they are not sold anymore, if there is anyway how to watch it.

Many of my friends from Greece told me that tv station which broadcasted it doesn't exist anymore, so I'm really curios if there are VHS tapes or some digital files with this tv series.

Thanks in advance

Marian Such
toxygen είπε:
Hello, I would like to apologize that this post is not in Greek, but I can't speak Greek very well therefore I'm writing it in English.

I came across book Ο βασιλιάς και το άγαλμα by Κώστας Ασημακόπουλος and I was amazed. I did search some more about it on google and found following websites:



I would desperately want to see these tv series. I would like to ask if anybody know where to buy them or if they are not sold anymore, if there is anyway how to watch it.

Many of my friends from Greece told me that tv station which broadcasted it doesn't exist anymore, so I'm really curios if there are VHS tapes or some digital files with this tv series.

Thanks in advance

Marian Such
Hello Marian and welcome aboard ! :thumb:

Yes,the ΥΕΝΕΔ channel does not exist anymore,it was renamed to EPT 2 at first,then ET2 and finally ΝΕΤ,which is its name up to these days.

Ιt is one on the national channels though,which means that it should have a detailed record of all series played in it,but unfortunately something like this does not happen since almost all the series of that time were erased,due to political causes also...

It's something sad but true !

An irresponsible -by all means- action,but unfortunately it did happen !

I do not know if and whether you will be able to find anything of that series anymore,due to the facts that I just described you,but maybe some other members can tell you more about that.

I hope you will stay here and we will learn from you again soon ! :)

p.s The second link that you referred to,http://www.retrodb.gr is an exclusive work of us here in retromaniax,constantly getting more information in it and it is really so good and hopeful for us to see that it's becoming useful for the search of greek tv series-movies and many more... :D
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Thank you very much for response, I appreciate it a lot.

I'll continue my investigation towards finding these tv series :)

Also, I will inform you if I find it =]

thanks once again

keep well
διστυχως ο μεγαλος ιστορικος κωνσταντινος σαθας στο 4τομο εργο του για τα χρονια 1453-1820 δεν αναφερει καθολου τον γιαννη καψη,αντιθετα αναφερει τον πατριαρχη ιωαννικιο.ουτε κατι συγκεκριμενο γι αυτα τα γεγονοτα,οπως και για πολλα αλλα[δεν ειναι και κατι ευκολο].και μπραβο στον κ.Ασημακοπουλο που δεν αφηνει να ξεχαστουν τετοια ιστορικα γεγονοτα.
Απο το περιοδικό Ραδιοτηλεόραση της 5ης Φεβρουαρίου του 1976 - Διακρίνεταο ο Ντίνος Καρύδης με την Μαρία Αλιφέρη:

Σε ευχαριστώ για την διόρθωση Bernard. Απο βιασύνη έκανα το λάθος. Φυσικά είναι ο Χρήστος Πάρλας.
Thanks for the info. After that many years, is there a chance that some saved recording or archive footage will surface?

just a small bump to see if there is any new information.

Is it 100% confirmed that original recordings were destroyed?