Τhe album's title is NeraidesTahir86 είπε:1. and 3. music must be, VANGELİS PİTSİLADİS's from that albόm or another Vangelis Pitsiladis's albums http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/VANGELIS-PITSILADIS-Faeries-LP-Greek-folk-exotica-Philips-630115-PL-rare-MP3-/190716418570#ht_500wt_1182
You are welcome Tahir!:thanx2:If I can help you more please let me know!Tahir86 είπε:Dear Angel Grig, thank you very very much. I'm looking for this album since 2 years. I was very curious about this album. Thank you so much again
Sorry for slightly "hijacking" your thread....Tahir86 είπε:[...]İt haven't got copyright, my friends[...]