Crytek engine 3


Retromaniax Co-Founder
26 Σεπ 2006
Crytek engine 3 για κονσολες υποψη ,στην απεξω τα PC. :D

Στην GDC παιχτηκε και αυτο.

[ame=]YouTube - [HD] CryENGINE 3 "GDC 09 Footage"
Απλα το presentation ηταν απο κονσολες.Παντου θα τρεχει

Αξιζει 1000% να δειτε το video σε HD, απο εδω(360/PS3 comparison)

Εκει θα δουμε καποια πραγματακια που πολλοι PC evangelists θεωρουσαν μεχρι προτεινος ως PC υπερατου... :D (και μιλαμε για early builds!)

Γενικα Χαρακτηριστικα CE3

Real-time Dynamic Global Illumination
CryENGINE®3 features a novel real-time dynamic global illumination solution, fully optimised for current and next generation platforms. For the first time – without pre-computation or geometric limits – you can experience light-bounces, colour bleeding and specular effects in a real-time game engine – unified for all static and dynamic objects.

Deferred Lighting

The CryENGINE®3 unique deferred lighting solution allows the rendering of a vast amount of light sources with per pixel shading efficiently; and simplifies engine performance tuning across multiple platforms.

Natural Lighting & Dynamic Soft Shadows

CryENGINE®3 features near-reality natural lighting at low-cost on multiple platforms; and creates soft shadows that dynamically respond to natural movements in real time. High-resolution, perspective correct and volumetric smooth-shadow implementations are also included in CryENGINE®3.

Subsurface Scattering

Simulates the diffusion and diffraction of light transmitted through translucent objects, like ice and jade. The CryENGINE®3 unified solution can be used on in-game assets such as trees and plants or to create realistic human skin.

CryENGINE®3 Realistic Infinite Worlds

CryENGINE®2 introduced incredibly interactive photo-realistic worlds, with huge natural environments that responded to player input and game events as if in the real world. From naturally frozen nature to fully destructible vegetation and buildings, players saw the game world as near real for the first time. CryENGINE®3 continues with this benchmark level of interactive realism in worlds limited in size only by the development budget; thanks to intelligent streaming of game data.

Natural World Effects

CryENGINE®3 features the most natural looking environments available in real-time – adding enhanced natural lighting to our existing large scale natural world representations.

Dynamic Volumetric Light Beams & Light Shaft Effects

These are used to create visually stunning light beams and shadows when light intersects with solid, highly detailed geometry, and to generate god ray phenomena in skies, on earth and through water.


Game levels rarely fit into memory of most hardware platforms, so streaming content is often required. With the CryENGINE®3 scalable streaming solution, data is clustered for fast access, platform-specific features are utilized and data content is prepared and compressed for optimal streaming. CryENGINE®3 utilizes multiple CPUs and schedules access based on dynamic priorities, to deliver an efficient and scalable multiplatform streaming solution.

Integrated Multi-threaded High Performance Physics Engine

CryENGINE®3 physics can be applied to almost everything in a game world, including buildings, props, trees and vegetation, to realistically model reactions to forces such as: wind currents, explosions, gravity, friction and collisions with other objects, without the need of external middleware.

Interactive & Destructible Environments

All environments in CryENGINE®3 can be dynamically physicalized, regardless of their nature (wood, steel, concrete, natural vegetation, cloth, etc.). This allows procedural destruction of as much of the nvironment as the game requires. All broken objects or parts can be interactive, with realistic properties such as mass, buoyancy, etc. applied to the debris.

Hot-Update for all PlatformsChanges can be made to original art asset sources (using standard art tools) for CryENGINE®3

SandboxTM on PC, then CryENGINE®3 immediately and automatically converts, compresses and optimizes

the content, then updates the output to all supported platforms. Developers can instantly see

the effect of lighting, material and modeling changes within moments on any supported platform.

Cross-platform development has never been so easy!
Εν ολίγοις είναι ίδια (και από το video και από τα specifications) με την CryEngine 2. Aπλά optimized για τις κονσόλες. :p
Ναι και από ότι φαίνεται το PS3 θα έχει το πάνω χέρι λόγω του Core.Βασικά στο βίντεο τα γραφικά στο XBOX 360 φαίνονται πιο σκοτεινά ενώ στο PS3 πιο φωτεινά και σαν να έχουν και λίγο anisotropic.Μπορεί και να μου φαίνεται γενικά δεν είμαι καλός σε τέτοιες συγκρίσεις.
Εγω παλι παρατηρησα το αντιθετο.

Το LOD, οι σκιες ειναι softer, καλυτερο ΑΑ και ομορφες ομιχλες.

Oφειλω να πω παντως οτι, οσο αφορα comparison μεταξυ των διαφορων μηχανων γραφικων στις 2 πλατφορμες, ειναι το πιο "κοντινο" εχω δει.

Το αφεντικο της Crytek φυσικα αρχισε τα PR μηπως "πιασει" κανα PS3 dev house για licensing ;)

Yerli went on to describe how the engine is being built to perform across platforms. "The CE3 runs currently at more or less the same quality bar. I say more or less because the engine still optimizes itself to power of the platforms' intrinsics. So the PS3 will run slightly better here, it'll look and feel probably the same, but the engine is diverting computation needs to power subsystems available to the PS3, and the 360 differently, and PC differently."
Παντως μου φαινεται στην cryengine3 δεν εχει γινει πολυ αναβαθμηση των γραφικων. θυμαστε που ειχαν παρουσιασει το 2006 για την cryengine2 με γραφικα που δεν ειδαμε ποτε :)

[ame=]YouTube - Crysis HD
Pooky είπε:
Παράθεση:Αρχικό μήνυμα απο Wally Εγω παλι παρατηρησα το αντιθετο.
Σωωωωωωωπα!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)

(Δεν περίμενα και τίποτε διαφορετικό!!!!!! :D )
Ρε ουστ! Σου εχω πει ειμαι τσακαλος στις "εχθρικες" ατελειες. Και αποδειχθηκα σωστος... :p

ΦΟΒΕΡΗ αναλυση της κλιπ απο το EuroGamer (Analysis , Technical Breakdown)

"You can surmise that the Xbox 360 version of the engine appears to be ahead in development compared to the PS3 rendition. You draw this conclusion simply from the fact that the majority of shots involving elements that really tax the engine (and thus incur frame loss) are using 360 video."