Software produced by Luigi Cagliero
The images are put only for an explanation purpose...
Dear friends,
I would like to open this topic because I wanna show you a very simple and useful (and also funny) program that was created for the Commodore 64 here in Italy... This program is called "ERBE & SPEZIE" and was produced by an Italian software developer company named "RADIO ELETTRONICA & COMPUTER" that produced not gaming software but only utilities for the C64.
"ERBE & SPEZIE" (translated into Greek: "χορτάρια και μπαχαρικά" is a little Basic program that, in the intention of the coder, Luigi Cagliero, was concepted in order to help the user in finding the suitabile spices and condiment seeds for cooking... Let's see how it works...
Here is the presentation screen:
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And a short explanation of the program:
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(translated into English: "ERBE & SPEZIE" is a collection of tips for the most practical and suitable use of the spices. Even if it doesn't want to replace the local recipes and the international "traditional dishes" one, the program aims, very simply, to combinate in the right way the spices, that constitute the essential basis for the best result of your performance in cooking art")
Let' s go in the "heart" of the program...
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As you can see, the user finds various options: MINESTRE (soups), VERDURE (green), INSALATE (salads), FORMAGGIO-UOVA (cheese and eggs), CARNE (meat), POLLAME-PESCE (chicken and fish), SALSE - SPECIALITA' (sauces and specialties), DOLCI - DESSERT (cakes and desserts). We have to make our choice hitting a key between 1 and 8... Let's select the salads "INSALATE" by hitting 3 and see how it happens...
Here, there are further options included between 1 and 17, that representate the various type of spicies that are usually used in cooking dishes...
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Let's select the "origano" (ρίγανη) by hitting the numeric key 8... And see how it happens...
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So, according to the program, the origano is suitable for "sauces and condiments for various salads" and for "potato salads"...
Let's see if we choose a spice that is not suitable... for example the "rosmarino" (δεντρολίβανο in Greek), so let's go back to the main menu by hitting return and perform this operation choosing the option number 11...
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And the result is:
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"NON CONSIGLIATO" stands for "not suggested"...
I hope you have liked it !!!!
Software produced by Luigi Cagliero
The images are put only for an explanation purpose...
Dear friends,
I would like to open this topic because I wanna show you a very simple and useful (and also funny) program that was created for the Commodore 64 here in Italy... This program is called "ERBE & SPEZIE" and was produced by an Italian software developer company named "RADIO ELETTRONICA & COMPUTER" that produced not gaming software but only utilities for the C64.
"ERBE & SPEZIE" (translated into Greek: "χορτάρια και μπαχαρικά" is a little Basic program that, in the intention of the coder, Luigi Cagliero, was concepted in order to help the user in finding the suitabile spices and condiment seeds for cooking... Let's see how it works...
Here is the presentation screen:
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And a short explanation of the program:
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(translated into English: "ERBE & SPEZIE" is a collection of tips for the most practical and suitable use of the spices. Even if it doesn't want to replace the local recipes and the international "traditional dishes" one, the program aims, very simply, to combinate in the right way the spices, that constitute the essential basis for the best result of your performance in cooking art")
Let' s go in the "heart" of the program...
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As you can see, the user finds various options: MINESTRE (soups), VERDURE (green), INSALATE (salads), FORMAGGIO-UOVA (cheese and eggs), CARNE (meat), POLLAME-PESCE (chicken and fish), SALSE - SPECIALITA' (sauces and specialties), DOLCI - DESSERT (cakes and desserts). We have to make our choice hitting a key between 1 and 8... Let's select the salads "INSALATE" by hitting 3 and see how it happens...
Here, there are further options included between 1 and 17, that representate the various type of spicies that are usually used in cooking dishes...
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Let's select the "origano" (ρίγανη) by hitting the numeric key 8... And see how it happens...
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So, according to the program, the origano is suitable for "sauces and condiments for various salads" and for "potato salads"...
Let's see if we choose a spice that is not suitable... for example the "rosmarino" (δεντρολίβανο in Greek), so let's go back to the main menu by hitting return and perform this operation choosing the option number 11...
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And the result is:
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"NON CONSIGLIATO" stands for "not suggested"...
I hope you have liked it !!!!

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