Retromaniax Co-Founder
- Joined
- 26 Σεπ 2006
- Μηνύματα
- 15.138
- Αντιδράσεις
- 4.639
Δεν θα μπορειτε να παιζετε παιχνιδια αλλα εχει καποιες επιλογες προς το παρον και ερχονται και αλλες.
Τουλαχιστον να φτασει στα επιπεδα αυτου Remote Play στο PSP
Ειναι official απο την Σονυ και μονο για ευρωπη.
Τουλαχιστον να φτασει στα επιπεδα αυτου Remote Play στο PSP
Ειναι official απο την Σονυ και μονο για ευρωπη.
In version 1.0 you’ll be able to:
The first version (1.0) will be available in the following countries: UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and The Netherlands.
- Check out your PlayStation Network trophies and keep up to date with your friends’ games and online status.
- Discover all the latest games, news and hardware for your PlayStation 3, PSP and PlayStation 2.
- Read all the announcements on the European PlayStation.Blog.
- Share your favourite products or news with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or via e-mail.
We are already working on the next version that will support most SCEE countries and languages, and will also let you comment on PlayStation.Blog.
There are tons more features we are planning to bring to this app in the next few months so keep an eye on the PlayStation.Blog for further announcements early next year.