Some Laserdisc Progress

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1 Αύγ 2006

After a bit of a hiatus with the holidays and fun power outages, Iʼve been back making some progress on the laserdisc support. I now have the basic CHD format specʼed out and implemented. And I have modified chdman.exe to support two new commands: -createav, which takes an AVI file plus an optional metadata file and compresses them to a CHD; and -extractav, which takes a CHD file and extracts it to an AVI file and a metadata file.
(And yes, the AVI reader/writer is cross-platform code, so it will work on non-Windows platforms as well. I also have a mostly complete QuickTime reader/writer, but am not sure if it is worth the effort to complete it. Though plugging the two together would produce an AVI <-> QuickTime conversion program, which would be useful!)

Iʼm happy to say that with a little bit of work using a test capture, I am now actually capable of displaying video from within MAME. Thereʼs still a lot of work to do yet to get the rest of the way, but this is a good step forward. Next up will be synchronizing frame and track numbers (youʼll note the numerical discrepancy in the screenshot), wiring up the sound, improving performance, further enhancing chdman.exe with some additional I/O options, and all the while working with the great group of folks Iʼve been talking to in order to get great quality source captures.

More to come as it all comes together!
σε λιγο θα χρειαζομαστε συστοιχια RAID :D
Έχουμε ήδη μια διμοιρία δίσκους, πάμε για την δεύτερη... :P
αν τα laserdisc games δεν υιοθετήσουν το re4 game play (press Α κάνε δεξιά) εγώ δε τα θεωρώ playable!
Που κολλάει το RE4 gameplay; :confused:

Εννοείς να σου δείχνει στην οθόνη τι πρέπει να πατήσεις;

Αν ναι, το έχουν τα Ιαπωνικά lasergames (πχ Strahl) εδώ και χρόνια. Και αν θυμάμαι καλά το έχει και το Super Don-Quixote από τα παιχνίδια που παίζουν στο Daphne.

Και ακόμα και στις κονσόλες υπήρχαν τα QTE στα Shenmue που είναι ακριβώς αυτό...το RE4 δεν κάνει κάτι καινούριο. ;)
ναι maddog αυτό εννοώ! sorry αλλά το re4 μου ήρθε πρώτο στο μυαλό σαν παράδειγμα...
OK, γιατί προσπαθούσα να καταλάβω τι ακριβώς εννοούσες με το RE4...

Είπα μήπως ήθελες laserdisc με zombies! :diablotin: