Unknown 1972 or before Greece dance album

  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας Tahir86
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης
Hi Tahir. Do you know the movie it was on? Or maybe you can show us some footage of the film in case we can recognize an actor and seek the composer...
I'm sure, I wacted this movie but deleted on youtube.

These musics was used ''Kaderimin Oyunu'' and ''Gulizar' old Turkish movies, 1972. Old Turkish movies was used world musics. They are unknown, I'm looking since 2 years.

there is first music long part from ''gulizar''


Vangelis Pitsiladis, Stavros Xorhakos, Yannis Markopoulos's theme was used in 'Gulizar'' :) Greek music, so I thought it might be
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