Ιnfinite Zooooom [PS3]

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Retromaniax Co-Founder
26 Σεπ 2006
Aν και δεν βλεπω εφαρμογη της παρακατω εφαρμογης στα παιχνιδια ,ισως οι developers Που το κοιτανε να βρουνε.

Α και ο δικος μου τιτλος ειναι καλυτερος.


Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Τελικα βρεθηκε εφαρμογη στα παιχνιδια και για αρχη στο GT5.

Sony’s PlayView technology let you quickly zoom in or out, pan in high resolution Photos with embedded video or text with an incredible precision and sharpness without the needs of a powerful hardware. And from Today onward Sony will propose the first usage of PlayView for Games on the Japanese PlayStation Store with Monster Hunter Portable 2ndG Monster Data Book (Guide Book) sold at 600Yen, where you will be able from your PS3 and HD TV so get amazingly sharp details and maps of this indispensable guide book.

PlayView for Games will be heavily use on GT5 in its Car Gallery, here you are a quick video below demonstrating the usage of PlayView in GT5

Δυο χρονακια μετα μας ερχονται τα δυο πρωτα στον κοσμο online περιοδικα με 4k2k αναλυση (4096 x 2160) τα οποια επιτρεπουν απειρο zoom με εντυπωσιακη λεπτομερεια καθολη την διαρκεια.

Αντε και στο Phoenix.

Aυτα στο japanεζικο Psn.



In collaboration with the Japanese publisher LPEI, Sony will propose this August the world first two 4K2K Magazine for PS3. Using Sony’s PlayView technology allowing you to zoom almost indefinitely on something and still get incredible details. Such technology is for example used in GT5 Car collection.Anyway, schedule to be available soon (August) you will have the chance for a monthly fee to browse two Magazines with IQUEEN and ABUTTON, where people will have the chance to enjoy PlayView 4K2K and some 3D 4K2K pictures of some of Japan cutest babes!
