Προβλημα στο Mame


Alien RetroDatabase
4 Ιουν 2009
Πριν λιγο καιρο ανακαλυψα ενα προβλημα στο mame του PC μου. Oτι και να κανω δεν μπορω να του αλλαξω αναλυση. Ουτε απο τα default options αλλάζει, ουτε απο τα game specific options, ουτε αν σβησω το mame.ini file επανερχεται, ουτε αν σβησω το default.cfg, ουτε τίποτα. Δοκίμασα και κανα δυο διαφορετικες εκδοσεις και παλι τα ίδια.

To mame για καποιο λογο τρεχει ΜΟΝΟ στην native αναλυση που εχω ορισει απο τα windows και δεν αλλαζει με τιποτα, εκτος κι αν αλλαξω την native απο τα windows screen settings! Δηλαδη καθε φορα που θελω να αλλαξω αναλυση σε ενα game πρεπει να κανω αυτο το πραγμα. Πραγματικα δεν μπορω να καταλαβω τι γινεται.... Σε αλλους emulators δεν εχω προβλημα, μονο στο mame (οποιαδηποτε εκδοση).
Δεδομένου ότι χρησιμοποιείς το MAME UI...

...Options, Default Game options, screen tab και εκεί επιλέγεις:

Screen: Display 1

Switch resolutions to fit: επιλεγμένο

Size: την ανάλυση που θέλεις αλλά πριν το κάνεις διάβασε και το παρακάτω από το MAME FAQ:

How do I get the best look with MAME on an LCD display?
LCD displays have a fixed resolution, and this resolution is almost always higher than most games in MAME. This means that somebody has to scale/stretch the video from the game's original resolution to the LCD's native resolution. In general, it is best to let your graphics card do this work. The default parameters for MAME are actually set up fine for this purpose.

What's important to know is that it doesn't make sense to ever "switch resolutions" on an LCD display. There is really only one resolution; all other resolutions are simulated via stretching. Thus, the default behavior of MAME is fine.

Όπως και αυτό από το newvideo.txt που εμπεριέχεται μέσα στο MAME UI:

Category 1: Bells and whistles. People who fall into this categorywould include anyone with a modern system and a decent video card

(decent in this context means at least 16MB of VRAM and built in the

last 5 years or so -- we're not talking cutting edge here). Any decent

video card will be able to render the simple MAME graphics at pretty

much any resolution without breaking a sweat. Configure your desktop

to the video mode you want (preferably something high like 1024x768

or greater with a high refresh rate, unless you are running on a

fixed-mode LCD, in which case just match what your LCD panel is),

and tell MAME to leave the resolution alone. In this day and age,

there is little reason to switch resolutions at all, unless you

fall into Category 3, below. In this mode, you will have full access

to artwork options, and you'll get your artwork scaled to full

resolution and with full alpha blending effects. Vector games will

look crisp, you can use decent fonts, and you can see a whole lot

more of the world when using the graphics/tilemap viewer. This mode

uses Direct3D, so you should configure yourself like this:

-video d3d -noswitchres [-triplebuffer] [-nofilter]

The -noswitchres option tells MAME to just run at the current

resolution. Although you can let MAME pick a resolution for you, it

doesn't really make much sense in D3D mode, and in fact I may even

remove that feature altogether. To avoid tearing artifacts, I

recommend using the -triplebuffer option as well. Just make sure your

monitor's refresh rate is higher than the game you are running. If

you dislike the blurry look of the graphics, you can specify the

-nofilter option to disable bilinear filtering, though that will

produce blocky artifacts. Alternatively, you can use the -prescale

option which is described at the end of this article.

Θέλεις ακόμα λοιπόν, να αλλάξεις την ανάλυση από την native που υποστηρίζει η οθόνη σου;

Εκτός αν έχεις CRT ή arcade monitor...
Eυχαριστώ για την απαντηση... εχω CRT. Tελικα το προβλημα ηταν μαλλον η επιλογη Switch resolutions to fit.