- Joined
- 30 Αύγ 2024
- Μηνύματα
- 264
- Αντιδράσεις
- 491
Σ' ένα επεισόδιο κάποιος γραφειοκράτης είχε λάβει μιαν ηλίθια απόφαση που έβλαπτε τη σχολή. Η κατσαρομάλλα για ν' αποδείξει ότι οι χορευτές έχουν εξαιρετική φυσική κατάσταση, προτείνει στον γραφειοκράτη ν' αναμετρηθούν με μια ποδοσφαιρική ομάδα. Πράγματι έρχονται οι ποδοσφαιριστές, παρατάσσονται στο παρκέ δίπλα στους χορευτές, κι όταν αρχίζει η ξέφρενη μουσική δεν καταφέρνουν ν' ακολουθήσουν τον φρενήρη ρυθμό των χορευτών κι απομένουν να τους κοιτάνε χάσκοντας.
Tomorrow's Farewell
Bald Snoop suddenly enters the lounge and says he has good news: they're recommending money for the school to build a gymnasium. Mr. Shorofsky snarks, "Of all things, you're recommending that?!" Ms. Grant tells the inspector they don't need a gymnasium, and he argues that State Board regulations call for an hour of PE every day. Ms. Grant cockily assures him that her dance classes are a workout and a half, and that every student is required to take some kind of movement class. Bald Snoop doesn't believe that a dance class equates to an hour of PE, and Ms. Grant haughtily declares, "There isn't a football player in this city who could make it through one of my dance classes."
Some jocks from a regular high school have arrived, and Ms. Grant discreetly tells Coco to round up all the dancers so she can prove to Bald Snoop that her students are way more physically fit than a bunch of football players. Both sets of students eye each other warily as they stretch and warm up. Ms. Grant leads the exercise-off with calisthenics. The football players are unable to keep up with the dancers. Bald Snoop looks over at the demoralized football players and concedes to Ms. Grant that it doesn't look like the school needs a gymnasium after all.
Tomorrow's Farewell
Bald Snoop suddenly enters the lounge and says he has good news: they're recommending money for the school to build a gymnasium. Mr. Shorofsky snarks, "Of all things, you're recommending that?!" Ms. Grant tells the inspector they don't need a gymnasium, and he argues that State Board regulations call for an hour of PE every day. Ms. Grant cockily assures him that her dance classes are a workout and a half, and that every student is required to take some kind of movement class. Bald Snoop doesn't believe that a dance class equates to an hour of PE, and Ms. Grant haughtily declares, "There isn't a football player in this city who could make it through one of my dance classes."
Some jocks from a regular high school have arrived, and Ms. Grant discreetly tells Coco to round up all the dancers so she can prove to Bald Snoop that her students are way more physically fit than a bunch of football players. Both sets of students eye each other warily as they stretch and warm up. Ms. Grant leads the exercise-off with calisthenics. The football players are unable to keep up with the dancers. Bald Snoop looks over at the demoralized football players and concedes to Ms. Grant that it doesn't look like the school needs a gymnasium after all.
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