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1993 Το Amiga Format ειχε μια ομορφη ιδεα μιας Amiga μεταξυ της 1200 με την 4000,βασισμενο στο Hardware της 1200 με σκληρο δισκο,HD disk drive και 68030 επεξεργαστη.
Developer: Amiga FormatYear of Announcement: February 1993
The Amiga 2400 was Amiga Format's idea of what a mid-range Amiga would be like during 1993. The gap between the A1200 and A4000 seemed ludicrous at the time making a mid-range system essential, in order to compete with a new generation of Intel PC's retailing for under £1000. The idea was to start from the base A1200 unit, incorporate expansion slots and move the machine to a larger case, give it a faster 68030 CPU, high-density drive, external keyboard, and 40Mb internal hard drive. The specifications are similar to the Amiga Walker machine that Amiga Technologies developed in 1996. If Commodore had released a similar machine it would have allowed Amiga enthusiasts and developers to take advantage of faster processors much sooner and redefined the Amigas image as a serious computer.
The magazine suggested that such a system would retail in the region of £799.
