Bandits at Zero (Yes another C16 - Plus/4 game !!!!)

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15 Mαϊ 2010
Hi my friends !!!!

You know, I'm always glad and happy to introduce you some games of the 264 Commodore machines series... this time, I would like to invite you to take some minutes and read this little (horrrrrrible !!!!) review that I try to made about another stunning game... I' m talking about "Bandits at Zero", a war game based on the shoot em up concept... as usual, let' s start with a youtube videoclip of the game, played by Simon of the channel "Fonsisweb" (he tricks because he uses the auto-fire button... hi !!!!)

The aim of the game is simple... you are the plane in the middle of the screen and have to destroy all the other planes (using the radar on the bottom of the screen...) The peculiarity of this game is that is divided into the various parts of the day (a brilliant idea of Shaun Southern who realized and coded the game...) in fact, the mission starts at dawn, then goes into the morning, the day, the dusk and the night, and then restarts... (on the bottom, there is also the "DAY" indicator) Very good is also the music, as always Shaun puts the TED to its maximum limits making him working with both the two voices, and another cool effect is a sort of calming music that plays in the game at night, when the player' s plane meet the fuel plane before starting another day... On the right bottom side of the screen, you have the fuel indicator, and some shields that protects the plane from collisions... once the shields are terminated, also the game is over... My opinion is that "Bandits at Zero" is a game that deserves a try... in my childhood, I have literally consumed the cassette...

Cracked by Edizioni Fermont in 1987-88 on their magazine "GO GAMES" on the cassette with the name "Sea Rider"...

Always with the head up and straight !!!!

never played this game. Does seem interesting though!!
Believe me my friend, I have played it for hours and days... I think it was a game that was at least 10 years ahead of its times... ;)
Hi Franco.This game looks like Defender.And its very impressive the make of alternation of day and night!!
Defender reminds me of "Penetrator" in the ZX-Spectrum!!!!

I have played for long hours that game!!!!!!!!
penetrator is a legendary game for the zx spectrum. I still remember the opening tune!