C64 Debugger V0.60,ο αντίπαλος/alternative του ΙCU64 (Visual Debugger)

  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας Nemo
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης


RetroMuseum GateKeepeR
9 Ιαν 2006
Nemo είπε:
Υ.Γ. ενώ περιμένουμε την νέα έκδοση του πλέον αντίπαλου δέους του ,του C64 Debugger v0.60

που θα είναι διαθέσιμο στο Silesia 8 demo party (2017/06/23)


Code .... Slajerek of Samar Productions

Idea .... Slajerek of Samar Productions
Προέλευση : http://csdb.dk/release/?id=156892

D/load : C64 Debugger V0.60 από τους Samar Productions >>> Win >>> Linux 32bit >>> Mac >>> Linux 64bit

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
v0.64 (2017/12/24), X-Mas release!

Added: JukeBox playlist feature! Allows to play your favourite demos from playlist

with transitions, run automated tests of your games and programs with keystrokes

and joystick movements, run your productions in Warp mode and then do a memory

dump after selected time... and more!

Added: BASIC-compatible auto run

Added: Setting CPU registers value in registers view

Added: Setting for Stereo and Triple SID, showing registers of additional SIDs in

SID state view

Added: Switch off SID emulation in Settings

Added: Mute audio using Ctrl+T shortcut, also select switch mute mode between just

muting the volume, or switching SID emulation off when muted, selectable in

Settings (thanks to Mojzesh/Arise and Wegi/Elysium for the help and idea)

Added: Support of 64tass code labels

Added: Automatically load Vice code labels if file with *.labels extension is found

near loaded PRG

Added: Watch selected memory locations (Ctrl+W), automatically load *.watch file

with PRG. Simple for now, update soon!

Added: Change menus colour theme and disassembly colour theme, new menus colour themes

by Mojzesh/Arise and Isildur/Samar

Added: Export sprite raw data with screen save

Added: Show multi-colour charset in Vic Editor

Added: Setting to adjust focus border width

Change: You can now save current screen using Ctrl+Shift+E keyboard shortcut in any

view, not only Vic Editor

Change: Saving current screen to file also exports sprites data and charset data

Change: Shift+0 in Vic Editor sets both $D020 and $D021 colors

Bug fixed: On Windows it was not possible to enter opcodes in the disassembly pane

due to keycodes mismatch (thanks to Scan/House for bug report)

Bug fixed: On MacOS accent keys that needed double keystroke on ISO keyboards were not

recognised (thanks to Ruben Aparicio for bug report and great help

with fixing)

Bug fixed: Importing key map from file caused corruption in key map editor

(thanks to Ruben Aparicio for bug report)

C64 Debugger V0.64

>>> Win 32bit

>>> Linux 32bit

>>> Mac

>>> Linux 64bit

Bug fixed: VIC Sequencer state was displayed reversed 
           (thanks to Mattias Weidhagen for bug reporting)
Bug fixed: Muting a channel in Stereo/Triple SID state view did not work correctly
Bug fixed: Automatic loading of *.watch file sometimes caused lock of the debugger 
           (thanks to Yugorin/Samar for bug reporting)
Bug fixed: Automatic focus for C64 screen was not triggered 
           (thanks to Isildur/Samar for bug reporting)
Bug fixed: Crash when ReSID emulation was selected and Run SID emulation 
           option was set to No (thanks to Isildur/Samar for bug reporting)
Bug fixed: When PRG was selected from command line and disk was attached with
           autorun set then the file entry from D64 was started instead of PRG 
           (thanks to Isildur/Samar for bug reporting)
Added: Saving VIC Display state with VCE file 
       (thanks to Isildur/Samar for suggestion)

C64 Debugger V0.64.2 

>>> Win 32bit
>>>  Linux 32bit
>>>  Mac
>>>  Linux 64bit

Eπίσημη σελίδα  :arrow:   https://sourceforge.net/projects/c64-debugger/
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Το λιγότερο, έχω εντυπωσιαστεί. Δυστυχώς μόνο για windows :(
v0.64.56.2  X-Mas maintenance release

Added: You can right-click on a C64 Screen in any layout to change display mode: screen, zoomed raster, VIC Display
Added Atari: ANTIC/GTIA/PIA/POKEY states view, loading and saving snapshots (a8s), breakpoints screen and a proper binary release
Changed: Emulation is paused while saving snapshot (Ctrl+S)
Bug Fixed: Tabs in source files were displayed as "A" (thanks to Scan/House)
Bug Fixed: Breakpoint red markers in disassembly are now properly displayed when loaded from dbg symbols file (thanks to Scan/House)
Bug Fixed: Breakpoints in some Segments from dbg symbols file were set on by default (thanks to Scan/House)
Bug Fixed: NMI breakpoint is fixed (thanks to Scan/House)
Bug Fixed: Crash when editing $d418 register with selected ReSID-fp emulation engine
Bug Fixed: Adding a breakpoint on Breakpoints view did not set breakpoint switch
Bug Fixed: Empty breakpoints.txt file could cause crash (thanks to Yugorin/Samar)
Bug Fixed Windows: On some keyboards with AltGr (Polish, German, ...) the Right-Alt sends also Left-Ctrl keypress events. A workaround to skip bogus Left-Ctrl when Right-Alt is pressed was applied
H Χριστουγεννιάτικη  έκδοση  v0.64.56.2  του C64 (&65ΧΕ πλέον)Debugger 

 >>>   Win 32bit
 >>>  Linux 32bit
 >>>  Mac
 >>>  Linux 64bit

Eπίσημη σελίδα  >>>   https://sourceforge.net/projects/c64-debugger/
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή: