Cave conversions review (για 360, PS2)

  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας Wally
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης


Retired Admin
19 Ιαν 2006
O EOJ ειναι ανα μελος του cave STG του οποιου τη γνωμη σεβομαι απολυτα.

Ετοιμασε μια λιστα με τη γνωμη του για τα διαφορα παιχνιδια της Cave που μεταφερθησαν σε 360 και PS2 κυριως οσο αφορα τη πιστοτητα με το PCB.

1.) Deathsmiles Arcade Mode (Japanese X360) – ~98-99% slowdown accuracy. In my opinion, this is the most arcade accurate Cave port ever released. US version is total crap in comparison. JP X360 mode is about 70% accurate, and is not worth playing (again, US version is even worse) as it significantly restricts scoring potential.
2.) Espgaluda (Japanese PS2) – ~95-98% slowdown accuracy. Sprite overload graphic glitch was fixed, slowdown is nearly perfect. One of only two Cave PS2/X360 ports with true 15khz 240p graphic output.

3.) Dodonpachi Daioujou (Japanese PS2) – ~90-95% slowdown accuracy. One of only two Cave PS2/X360 ports with true 15khz 240p graphic output.

4.) Mushihimesama Futari ver 1.01/1.5/BL (Japanese X360) - ~90-95% slowdown accuracy. The only Cave ports with a little more slowdown than their PCB parents and practically no spots where slowdown is missing, these are still some of the best ports ever made. Some occasional graphical glitches in the 360 modes are unfortunate, as is Caveʼs refusal to patch them. The only Cave ports with scanline options.

5.) Dodonpachi Daioujou Black Label (Japanese X360) – ~90-95% slowdown accuracy. Quite an accurate, playable port, contrary to popular belief. Speed algorithm on the true last boss is altered making it more difficult (to be fixed in the patch, if/when that is released). White label on this port has some game-breaking glitches (game usually freezes in 2-2), and is not worth playing unless a patch is released.

6.) Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu ver 1.5 (Japanese X360) – ~90% slowdown accuracy. Stages 1 & 2 are basically perfect. Most of the missing slowdown is in Stage 5. Second loops are surprisingly accurate. No Arcade mode is a bummer for purists.

7.) Ketsui (Japanese X360) – ~90% slowdown accuracy. Most of the missing slowdown is in the Ura Loop (bits of 2-5 and Doom). Sprite overload graphic glitch was fixed. Overall speed of the game is slightly faster, but smoother than the arcade original. Itʼs not hard to get used to this speed change, and in fact I prefer it to the Arcade original.

8.) Espgaluda II (Japanese X360) – ~80-85% slowdown accuracy. A good number of spots are missing slowdown when not in Kakusei mode. Still a very playable/enjoyable port, as much of the slowdown in the PCB outside of Kakusei mode is not necessary for scoring or survival.

9.) Deathsmiles II (Japanese X360) – ~70%-75% slowdown accuracy with the patch (with fixed graphical anomalies and glitches, compared to the unpatched version), ~85-90% slowdown accuracy without the patch (but other elements make it less accurate to the arcade version). Lack of 4:3 output is quite disappointing. I prefer the patched version, and strangely, the more you play in a single session, the more arcade-accurate the slowdown becomes.

10.) Mushihimesama (Japanese PS2) – ~70~75% slowdown accuracy. Stage 3 in Maniac runs really fast, and itʼs far harder to score there than in the PCB. Stage 5 midboss in Maniac is missing crucial slowdown, making this very important scoring part much harder. Ultra mode runs too fast in some parts, and has extra slowdown in others. A few bullet patterns are different in the port, compared to the PCB (such as the stage 4 boss). Plus, the forced blurry graphic filter is really hard on the eyes.

11.) Deathsmiles Mega Black Label (Japanese X360, Arcade & X360 modes) - Each mode sucks in its own way (e.g. Arcade mode has slightly more slowdown in the first six stages, but the Ice Palace is missing over 50% of the slowdown – X360 mode has less slowdown in the first six stages, but is slightly more accurate in the ice palace, missing about 25-30% of the slowdown there), the US version is even more atrocious. ~60-70% slowdown accuracy in the JP version modes, sub 50% in the US version modes. JP X360 mode is the best choice overall.

12.) Ibara (Japanese PS2) – 1% slowdown accuracy. Easily the worst port of the bunch, as essentially ALL of the slowdown was removed. Some have said there are brief moments of slowdown in hard mode or the second loop when much is occurring on-screen (Iʼve never experienced this), and this is why I give it a 1% instead of a 0%. Same forced blurry graphic filter as Mushihimesama PS2. Long load times in this one too.
Ο EOJ δεν είναι απλό μέλος βρε συ, είναι ο δημιουργός του Cave-STG. Και ίσως ο μόνο άνθρωπος που δεν είναι ιάπωνας και γράφει ενδελεχή reviews για αυτά τα παιχνίδια (γιατί ξέρει να τα παίζει όπως πρέπει, για το high score). Γενικά επειδή το συγκεκριμένο site το είχα ξαναπαραθέσει στο παρελθόν, αν θέλετε μια εμπεριστατωμένη άποψη για τα παιχνίδια της Cave και δεν ξέρετε γιαπωνέζικα, το site αυτό είναι θησαυρός.
Βρηκες και εσυ να κολλησεις με τιτλους :)

Μελος ειναι σε μια κοινοτητα και τυγχανει να ειναι και διαχειριστης.
Εντάξει αγαπητό μέλος Wally, το πιάσαμε το νόημα... :P
Χαιρομαι αγαπητό μέλος Maddog :)
Κοιταχτε τι κανει ο τυπος και πως κραταει το μοχλο.

Μαγεια σε DOJ Death Label mode (δηλαδη μονο τα Bosses) σε PS2
