Chimera Remake Beta

  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας Nemo
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης


RetroMuseum GateKeepeR
9 Ιαν 2006

  • WASD or cursor keys move the player
  • Space bar for action to pick up static objects, or combine them with another static object in front of you, or to consume bread or water, or drop a missile in a blue missile room, or access the terminals (which currently donʼt tell you much)
  • Arm four missiles to start the self-destruct. You then have 60 seconds to exit via the green room
  • Moving uses energy up faster. If youʼre carrying something, energy gets used up even faster. If youʼre pushing against a block, that uses up energy. Itʼs more efficient to move without bumping into blocks
  • Radiators drain your coolant, the closer you are to a radiator, the faster your coolant drains
  • Missiles drain your coolant, as does proximity to an armed missile
  • When you die, hitting the L key (lower case ʽlʼ) will reLoad the game

Debug mode can be entered by pressing the ʽ/ʼ key. I recommend playing without debug, but here are the keys anyway:

  • WASD moves you a room at a time around the map, cursor keys still move player as usual
  • ʽeʼ replenishes your energy, ʽcʼ replenishes your coolant
  • ʽrʼ resets you to the first room
  • ʽmʼ gives you a missile
  • ʽtʼ gives you the torch
  • ʽkʼ clears your inventory
  • ʽpʼ places a missile, or rather, just increases your placed missile count

Whatʼs left?


Help text on terminals

Bug-fixes, tuning and a little polish.
>>>> Mac build here: (This version should work on OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and above)

PC build here: (coming soon, currently a bit buggy.)

Chimera Remake απο τον αρχικο δημιουργο του Shahid Ahmad ....
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