Commodore 1541 emulator που τρέχει σε Raspberry Pi3(free/open source)

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RetroMuseum GateKeepeR
9 Ιαν 2006

Ένα πρώτο videάκι ενδεικτικό της προόδου που έχει επιτευχθεί στο σχετικό εγχείρημα της ανάπτυξης

ενός Commodore 1541 drive emulator που θα τρέχει σε Raspberry Pi3

το οποίο είναι συδεδεμένο στην σειραική του C64 μέσω levelshifter .

Ο Commodore 1541 drive emulator που τρέχει σε Raspberry Pi3 θα είναι free και open source .

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Ξερεις ποσες φορες εχω αναρωτηθει γιατι δεν ειχε γινει κατι τετοιο για τα home computers? Φαντασου ενα αντιστοιχο ως virtual disk drive για τον ψυκτρα ή για τον 464...
Κοιτα που θα αγορασω ψωμιερα στο τελος (εκτος αν λειτουργει στον 128D μου)
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I have been working hard on compatibility. 

There are quite a few people testing it now and giving me some great feedback. According to some of the testers, compatibility is now surpassing other hardware, cycle accurate, SD card solutions!

I don't have any of these devices but what I can say is that currently I don't know of any disk image that works with VICE but not on the Pi1541

Annoyingly, I wasted time after my last video chasing ghosts Pacman Clyde. Let me explain, in my last video I showed how I was testing on other Commodore machines and models. After that video I started receiving feedback from the testers about failing disk images. I set about looking into it. The machine that I was using to do this was my old silver labeled 64. Some testers were reporting that particular demos would sometimes randomly crash or fail, and indeed, when I tried them I experienced the same behaviour. For some of the demos I knew I had them working at some stage so I naturally thought I had now, somehow, broken something in the code. Other testers would try the same demos and inform me that no matter how many times they tried the disk image it would always work! I then started to stress that maybe it was a hardware issue with various Pis or the cables. Then it dawned on me. It was the hardware, the 64's hardware. It was the VSP bug! Swapping out my old silver label (which I now remembered from the days programming a VSP game that machine was susceptible to the bug) to one of my other 64s, everything started working 100%. I checked all the problematic demos and yes the random crashes would only occur during sections of horizontal scrolling. 

I still can't get it to load VMAX3b/4 originals. I suspect that they found away to stop the shift register shifting but keep timer two ticking without touching the control registers. They then use the value in this stalled shift register as part of their decryption key. I have another Pi connected to the address and data buses of a real 1541 and can capture the reads and writes as code executes. Examining this I can see the shift register magically stop shifting! 

Again, not that I have the hardware to confirm, but my testers have assured me that it works on the new Raspberry Pi 3B+

Some of the guys testing it that know more than me about hardware have created their own PCB, integrating their own solutions for the voltage level shifting! 

So...  I am taking a few days of over Easter and with this time I will endeavour to put a few finishing touches to it, try and set up a website so you guys can download the binaries
Κι εφόσον αναφέρεται για release μετά το Πάσχα  - btw το Καθολικό Πάσχα 
δεν  προηγείται μια βδομάδα του Ορθοδόξου ?   -
ξέρετε  εγκαίρως  τι λαμπάδα>(με raspberrypi 3)  θα προμηθευτείτε   ....
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Pi1541 is a real-time, cycle exact, Commodore 1541 disk drive emulator that can run on a Raspberry Pi 3B (or 3B+).

The software is free and I have endeavored to make the hardware as simple and inexpensive as possible.

Pi1541 provides you with an SD card solution for using D64, G64, NIB and NBZ Commodore disk images on real Commodore 8 bit computers such as;-

Commodore 64   ,   Commodore 128 ,  Commodore Vic20  ,  Commodore 16   , Commodore Plus4

Unlike SD2IEC, Pi1541 emulates a 6502 and the two 6522s. Any code it is asked to run is run in a cycle exact way. SD2IEC supports a limited set of fast loaders by attempting to guess the fast loader from the code sent to it. SD2IEC will not, and cannot, execute the code, it just simulates the communication protocoles. As a consequence only a small amount of popular fast loaders are supported.

Pi1541 can execute code on its emulated 6502 core it supports a vast range of fast loaders (games and demo scene) even copy protected originals.

To use Pi1541 you will need a Raspberry Pi 3B (or 3B+), an SD card, a cable, free firmware from the Raspberry Pi Foundation and a valid Commodore 1541 ROM file.

The cable was designed to be as simple and inexpensive as possible.


To Pi1541 o εξομοιωτής του Commodore  1541 Disk Drive δια χειρός  Steve White   και ο οποίος τρέχει σε ένα Raspberry Pi3B/3b+ 
είναι πλέον διαθέσιμος από την επίσημη σελίδα του με λεπτομερείς πληροφορίες για την λειτουργεία/software του αλλά και την  κατασκευή του απαραίτητου καλωδίου σύθνδεσης με τον commodore της επιλογής σας  (Commodore 64   ,   Commodore 128 ,  Commodore Vic20  ,  Commodore 16   , Commodore Plus4)


Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Με χαρα βλεπω οτι ο κοσμος ξεκινα να εξεευνα τα Pi ως εναλλακτικα interfaces.

Ας εχουμε το ματι μας και στο ZxR0 που αν γινει πραγματικοτητα θα εχουμε ενα πολυ-interface για τον Spectrum με ελαχιστο κοστος...
Gorack wrote:

New version 1.13 

Added 1581 emulation. 
There is still a bit more to do but basic emulation for reading and writing D81 images works. 
I still can't get C128 bursting to work. It is turning out to be quite hard. Any help figuring it out will be appreciated. All the source is in GitHub. You will need hardware with the Fast Clock (SRQ) line connected preferably option B hardware (as now three lines can be sinking current and this will be bad for option A hardware). 

Pi1541 σε ένα Commodore Plus/4 από τον  "Pluto63"
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