Crimson Twilight Preview Video , ένα νέο πολλά υποσχόμενο Rpg για το C64

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RetroMuseum GateKeepeR
9 Ιαν 2006

Eνα νεο rpg απο την Arkanix Labs ,που το preview του εγινε released στη ECCC Chicago Expo 2012

(world's top September destination for Commodore enjoyment, including the C64, Vic-20, PET, 16/Plus4, and probably even Amiga stuff οπως αυτοπροσδιοριζονται)

Συμφωνα με οτι διαρρεουν οι δημιουργοι του

Crimson Twilight is inspired by a lot of older commercial CRPGs including Ultima series, Questron series, Legacy of the Ancients, Legend of Blacksilver, and Wrath of Denethenor among others and newer releases like Ormus Saga series and Spirit of Adventure.

We definitely want the package and goodies inside to have the same feeling that you'd get opening one of those older CRPG releases, something to make you feel excited and intrigued to dig into the game.

Οnce finished, Crimson Twilight will be offered in two different versions. Both versions will be in a nice plastic casing w/full color insert and include a printed manual. The basic version will include a 18"x14" cloth map and the deluxe version includes a 21"x16.5" cloth map, a necklace from your grandfather, a pouch with some coins and a crystal.

The game will come on at least four disk sides and can be copied to SD for use with whatever sd2iec interface you prefer.
Download Crimson Twilight Preview
Αν και δεν ειμαι των RPG's ενα νεο παιχνιδακι για τον c64 ειναι παντα ευπροσδεκτο!!!
We can show some work by our main graphician Andy Vaisey, he finished up all the monster and NPC sprites recently.

First off we have the NPCs - like barmaids, merchants, kings, nobles, pirates, armorers, etc. All the people you might encounter in a civilized area of our game.
ct-npcs.jpg are the finished monster sprites. Quite a few unique sprites there and some variants for a total of 154 monsters.


we finalized fifteen location maps (towns, dungeons, crypts, etc.) and another thirteen more work in progress maps almost completed. That leaves us with fifty one location maps and seventeen world map sections to still work on.
We've added some more tile graphics to fill out castles/keeps like an archery target, armor stands (3 variations), weapon stands (4 variant weapons), wall chains for cells, flags/standards (3 variations), double wooden door, portcullis, more. The battlement tiles for the castle maps have been revamped and actually fit together properly now.

Back in July the music was completed, including eleven tunes. Andy did a great job on the music considering he had to learn the semi-medieval style on the fly.
Ενα συγκεντρωμενο mini update του Crimson Twilight (C64) που συνεχιζει να ειναι υπο ααναπτυξη.



Unrelated to the c64, we've made some progress on the PC/mobile version of the game. We've converted a large portion of the tile graphics over and Andy gave them some nice polish, updating them to a bit more modern but still retro inspired. We have a very basic version of the engine running on Windows/Android.
Θα υπαρξει και PC αλλα και Android εκδοση του παιχνιδιου επισης .
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