Dare to Dream: Commodore and Amiga Today?

Always Somewhere

Retro PaTRi@RcH
9 Νοέ 2019
Dare to Dream: Commodore and Amiga Today?


Hello to "COMMODORIANS" and "AMIGAHOLICS" across the globe, and THANK YOU FOR READING.

As we all know, since the bankruptcy of Commodore and Amiga, the journey has been tumultuous.
The whole ESCOM debacle, battles over trademarks, IPs, logos, and patents, and the almost total absence of positive forward direction for our beloved Amiga have been bitter pills to swallow year after year.

However, it’s amazing how, despite all this, our community seems to grow stronger every week. It's a joy to be a part of it.


"DARE TO DREAM" is the new publication I am currently writing, and I am bursting with pride to announce that the incomparable Dave Haynie is working on this project with me!


Many of you know that around the time of the bankruptcy, Commodore UK was by far the strongest subsidiary with the most active Amiga environment. We had 13 dedicated Amiga magazines (with an audited monthly circulation of 680,000), our products were distributed through all major retailers, and we had a network of hundreds of independent dealers.
We were responsible for the official worldwide launch of the Amiga 1200 and the CD32 and a superb relationship with the major UK games software developers.

Between the bankruptcy announcement on April 29, 1994, and the actual auction of assets on April 22, 1995, Colin Proudfoot (my Co-MD) and I believed we were the best people to run the company going forward. With the immense help of Coopers & Lybrand (now PriceWaterhouseCoopers), we wrote a comprehensive business plan through which we raised an incredible $50 million in investment to fund our management buyout.

Many Commodorians and Amigaholics believed we would be successful in our bid and, because of our proven performance within our own market, wanted us to win. Sadly, less than 48 hours before the auction, we were cheated out of it *(full story in the new book).

"DARE TO DREAM: The Vision of What Commodore and Amiga Could Have Been... Should Have Been..." will detail exactly what Colin and I would have done if we had won the auction.

We had solid ideas on how to restructure the company, reduce overheads, and generate sufficient revenue to support R & D (which had been starved of finance for a long time). In our opinion, R & D was the most important asset within a tech-based business.

Unashamedly (with the benefit of hindsight and 35 years of technological developments) and with our proven ethos of embracing collaboration, Dave Haynie (who had agreed to be Head of Engineering in the new company) will chronicle how we would have attempted to stay ahead of the competition.

Also incredibly pleased to have received support from Dr. Ed L Hepler who was the brilliant mind behind project "Hombre" (A technology 5 years ahead of it's time) and Randell Jesup another major contributor in Commodore's engineering team.

Contrary to previous incumbents, we would have encouraged our engineers to assist any company designing and producing items intended to enhance the performance of Amiga. We believed this would reduce development costs, speed up the process, and ultimately benefit both parties and the target market financially.

With a Foreward written by Dan Wood this publication Dare to Dream promises to leave readers with a warm glow about our wonderful community. About time we had a positive reflection about our beloved Amiga.

David Pleasance - Former Commodore UK Manager

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