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Retired Admin
19 Ιαν 2006
Μικρες ειδησεις - η καθημερινη εφημεριδα των 360 maniacs (ωστε να μην γεμιζουμε με νεα threads οπου ειναι δυνατον)
Απ: Gaming News [360]

Εχουμε τις πρωτες εικονες απο το "Civilization revolution".

Για λογους ταξης αναφερω οτι ειναι απο 360.




Εδω και μερες,λογω χτισιματος :D ,εχω αφησει τον Aardvark να αλωνιζει και να κανει εμμεση προπαγανδα.

Ας ξεκινησω λοιπον με το MEGATON (εστω και αναμενομενο)

Gears of War 2” (Epic Games). “Gears of War 2” is the sequel to the best seller, with 4,5 million copies sold, which redefined the tactical/third person/action game genre. “Gears of War 2” follow the story of Marcus Fenix and Delta Team in an epic saga of survival, defeat (?) and punishment. Developed by Epic games as an Xbox 360 exclusive, “Gears of War 2” will be available from November.

"Gears 2 is going to be bigger, better and far more badass than the first one." This November, 2008.
11:40 am PT -- CliffyB burst in and leaves us with a quick piece of info. Gears 2 in November 2008, only on Xbox 360
Ο πολεμος τελειωνει καπου στο Νοεμβρη...

Και η βροχη ΑΑ τιτλων συνεχιζεται χωρις ελεος :P

Microsoft Provides Thrilling First Look at Xbox 360 Blockbuster Portfolio for 2008, Announces “Gears of War 2” Ships This November
The world’s hottest developers pave the way for a banner year with a blockbuster lineup that includes “Gears of War 2,” “Fable 2,” “Ninja Gaiden II” and a rich mix of indie Xbox LIVE Arcade titles.

Today at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2008, Microsoft Corp. provided an exciting glimpse at what promises to be another landmark year for games and online entertainment on the Xbox 360 platform and officially announced the launch of “Gears of War 2,” exclusively for Xbox 360 this November.

Providing a dramatic close to Microsoft’s GDC keynote address, Epic Games Inc.’s lead designer Cliff Bleszinski announced that the epic saga of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad continues exclusively on the Xbox 360 this fall with “Gears of War 2.” This highly anticipated sequel to the 4.5 million-selling blockbuster “Gears of War” delves deeper into humanity’s struggle for survival against the nightmarish Locust Horde, and promises to take high-definition visuals to a whole new level.

In addition, acclaimed developer Peter Molyneux of Lionhead Studios took the stage to showcase exciting new multiplayer features for “Fable 2,” introducing dynamic cooperative play, a first to the franchise. Molyneux also announced that later this year, and before the launch of “Fable 2,” gamers can get a sneak peek at the game’s world when the “Fable 2” pub games debut as a stand-alone download on Xbox LIVE Arcade. When “Fable 2” launches, gamers will have the ability to transfer currency earned in the pub games directly to their character in “Fable 2.” This unique and first-of-its-kind experience, which can be found only on Xbox LIVE Arcade, will give the millions of “Fable” fans and gamers all around the globe the opportunity to jump into the “Fable 2” world with money already in the bank.

Tomonobu Itagaki also revealed new “Ninja Gaiden II” game-sharing features, including Ninja Cinema, which is enabled solely through Xbox LIVE, providing exciting and innovative entertainment experiences for the more than 10 million Xbox LIVE members worldwide by allowing players to record and upload their best ninja moves to Xbox LIVE.

“To our team the original game was just a tease, the appetizer to the ‘Gears of War’ characters and new style of gameplay. We were so amped to get to the next chapter, and dig deeper into the universe of this franchise,” said Cliff Bleszinski, lead designer for Epic Games. “‘Gears of War 2’ is an even bigger, better, and more badass experience than the first game, and we can’t wait to get it in the hands of eager gamers this November.”

This year, the most anticipated games will be found exclusively on Xbox 360, including the next chapters of top franchises such as “Gears of War,” “Fable” and “Ninja Gaiden,” as well as new titles such as “Too Human.”

· “Gears of War 2” (Epic Games). “Gears of War 2” is the sequel to the 4.5 million-selling blockbuster that redefined the third-person tactical action game genre. “Gears of War 2” continues the story of Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad in an epic saga of survival, loss and retribution. Developed by Epic Games exclusively for Xbox 360, “Gears of War 2” launches this November.

· “Fable 2” (Lionhead Studios). In addition to the dynamic co-op mode unveiled onstage, Peter Molyneux also announced that Carbonated Games is bringing the “Fable 2” experience to Xbox LIVE Arcade. Before the game’s launch, gamers will be able to get an early taste of the “Fable 2” experience and gain a head start on earning currency for use in “Fable 2” by playing “Fable 2”-themed pub games that will be downloadable via Xbox LIVE Arcade. The currency earned in these Xbox LIVE Arcade titles will enable players to purchase items in “Fable 2” when the game launches later this year.

· “Ninja Gaiden II” (TECMO/Team NINJA). Tomonobu Itagaki debuted several tantalizing new Xbox LIVE features of “Ninja Gaiden II,” including the ability to capture and share videos of a player’s glorious battles via the Ninja Cinema feature and upload them to Xbox LIVE. “Ninja Gaiden II” launches worldwide this June.

Too Human” (Silicon Knights). Microsoft also showcased the epic action game from renowned Canadian developer Silicon Knights, “Too Human,” at a media event before today’s keynote address. In “Too Human,” players are treated to a nonstop barrage of action powered by the seamless integration of melee and firearms combat, plus deep role-playing elements fueled by breathtaking visuals enabled by the power of Xbox 360.

With online multiplayer gameplay, downloadable content and ways to stay in contact with a global community, these forthcoming blockbusters harness the power of Xbox LIVE to create truly innovative and exciting entertainment experiences. Each game also comes packed with Achievements, so Xbox LIVE members can help add to the more than 1 billion Achievements already unlocked on the service to date. And, as with the “Fable 2” pub games, downloadable content in Xbox LIVE Marketplace allows gamers the opportunity to customize and enhance their gameplay experiences. Since the service launched, Microsoft has seen more than $250 million in digital revenue from Xbox LIVE Marketplace through the purchase of more than 20 billion Microsoft Points.

Xbox LIVE members have been using a large portion of those Microsoft Points in Xbox LIVE Arcade, which is the premier destination for digitally distributed, high-definition original and classic games. With over 116 games to choose from on Xbox LIVE Arcade, everyone’s invited to get instantly immersed in the fun. Xbox LIVE Arcade is also home to the world’s most innovative independent developers, with more than 25 independent studios serving as the creative fuel behind the original games that represent more than a quarter of the Xbox LIVE Arcade library. The following titles represent a sample of games launching on Xbox LIVE Arcade in the near future from the world’s leading independent developers:

· “Braid” (Number None Inc.). Developed by Independent Games Festival Winner and experimental game designer Jonathan Blow, “Braid” is a platform experience that bends all the rules with the manipulation of time. “Braid” will launch this spring.

· “Castle Crashers” (The Behemoth). “Castle Crashers” is the second title currently in development by award-winning independent developer The Behemoth, creator of “Alien Hominid HD.” The role-playing game (RPG) adventure will let up to four players hack, slash and smash their way together through a visually stunning hand-drawn landscape. “Castle Crashes” launches this summer.

· “Defense Grid: The Awakening” (Hidden Path Entertainment LLC). “Defense Grid: The Awakening” is the definitive tower defense game experience designed specifically for Xbox LIVE Arcade and launches this summer.

· “Go! Go! Break Steady” (Little Boy Games). An Xbox LIVE Arcade exclusive, “Go! Go! Break Steady” is the debut title from independent developer Little Boy Games. The combination music and puzzle game combines break dancing with novel gameplay and launches this summer.

· “Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness” (Hothead Games). The first video game collaboration between Penny Arcade creators Mike “Gabe” Krahulik and Jerry “Tycho” Holkins and legendary game designer Ron Gilbert, “Penny Arcade Adventures” is an RPG-adventure game set in a highly stylized 1920s universe filled with bizarre characters, outrageous combat and adult humor. The first episode of the game launches this summer.
Gears 2 Debut Trailer!!

[ame=]YouTube - Gears of War 2 Trailer
Ρε ασε τα σαπια! :P

Ορμα στο Live Marketplace.Εχει το trailer και τζαμπε theme και gamerpics!
Αυτο δεν ειναι;

Oταν το βρεις βαλτο.

Kατεβαζω "knight rider pilot" δεν μπαινω πουθενα.:biggrin:
Αυτο ειναι το trailer του Unreal Tournament.

Το Gears2 θα ειναι με την 3.5 μηχανη
360+ROD= :cry:

[ame=]YouTube - Broken Xbox 360s Made My Baby Cry
Triggerheart Exelica στο XBOX Live 800 points!!


Aντε να ρεουν τα DC διαμαντια...

Διαμαντια που να πιανουν το 1/3 της οθονης, πρωτη φορα βλεπω. :P

Οι κακομοιροι με τις μικρες τηλεορασεις να δω τι θα κανουν.
Τί θα γίνει με το live στην Ελλάδα; Έστειλα e-mail sthn Μ$ και τους ρώτησα και το μόνο που μου απάντησαν είναι ότι δεν ξέρουν που βρίσκεται η χώρας μας :) ευτυχώς γιατί μπορεί να την βομβάρδιζαν.... nevermind, έχω ασύρματο router - έκανα επιτυχημένη σύνδεση από το σαλόνι στο γραφείο με το Xbox360 (αφού έβαλα προέκταση στο USB καλώδιο και σήκωσα τον αντάπτορα ψηλά) έκανα το τελευταίο Update και αναμένω οδηγίες για σύνδεση - βασικά έλεγα εάν ήταν τώρα κοντά το GreekLivestan να έκανα υπομονή αλλά ουε... Nevermind, Ευρώπη ή Αμερική; Που είναι καλύτερα να μένω; Δεν αρχίζετε να μου στέλνετε και τα gamertag σας μην αρχίσω να βαράω τίποτα αθώους... :D ;)

Y.Γ.: Α! ναι, εάν θέλει μετακόμιση το παρόν, ας αναλάβει κάνας χειροδύναμος να το βάλει στην θέση του, απλά να είναι κάπου ευήλια να μπορώ να το ξαναβρώ. :P
Δικαστη το κοιταμε το θεμα σου...... ;)

Εντω μεταξυ Believe




ΧΑΧΑΧΑΧΑ...ειναι το Πρωτααπριλιατικο του EGM :)
Οπως λεει ο Segata στο αρχικο ποστ "Εδω θα ποσταρουμε ειδησεις και σχολια για την μεγαλειωδη κονσολα της Μicrosoft".

Well να ενα ωραιο σχολιο και ειδηση μιας και οι game developers ειναι δυσαρεστημενοι. :P

No HDD "Mistake"

Core and Arcade Xbox 360s are missing something super important: a HDD. That means developers must make sure their games can work without a HDD so a segment of users aren't totally screwed. Rory McGuire, lead designer on PS3 title Bourne Conspiracy, says:

In retrospect I wish Microsoft had made the choice to have [mandatory] hard drives like Sony did with the PS3... They did it with the original Xbox. I'm not sure why they decided to not require a hard drive on the 360. From what I understand they don't move many [Core/Arcade] units... Developers certainly benefit [from a hard drive]," he went on to explain, adding: "if you have a hard drive, the whole game loads faster. Obviously you'll be facing a short install time, but the developer benefits from it and you definitely benefit from it as a player... So I think that was one of the mistakes that Microsoft made with the 360.

Another mistake is of course made by the people buying the Core/Arcade Xbox 360s.
Και ο πολεμος των NextGen ShootEmUps τελειωσε...

H Cave επελεξε 360


[ame=]YouTube - Dodonpachi DAI-OU-JOU - Stage 1 Full Chain No Hyper
Xbox 360 price cut March 14th

50 Euros per SKU, cheaper than Wii...
"Raiden Fighters aces"

Aντε, οσοι εχουν γιαπωνεζικο λογαριασμο,κατεβαστε το και πειτε μας την γνωμη σας.

At any rate, the point is that there's a "Raiden Fighters aces" demo up on xbox live for those keen on finding it. The demo gives players a crack at all three Raiden titles in the compilation (Raiden Fighters, Raiden Fighters II, and Raiden Fighters Jet). It also settles the question of whether the title is a retail title or an XBLA release (hint: it's retail). Now we have a new question: will gamers be willing to shell out retail price for a compilation of ten-year-old arcade games. Hopefully Raiden Fighters Aces will debut at a budget price.
Αυτο να δουμε ποτε θα ερθει.

Next generation Xbox 360 with built-in Blu-ray coming in 2008

Lite-on is developing built-in Blu-ray Disc drives for the "next generation" Xbox 360 game console. Lite-On is expected to begin shipping the new BD players for assembly in the second half of 2008. DigiTimes also claims that the new, presumably smaller Xbox 360 will reduce the power supply from 210-watts to 170-watts.

Eιναι η μερα περιεργη οποτε μην μασατε. :D