RetroMuseum GateKeepeR
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Named after one of the characteristic features of theSID chip, Hardsync is a C64 party game that follows in the (wait for it...) footsteps of games like Dance Dance Revolution and StepMania.
Using a custom adapter, I've connected a PlayStation 2 dance mat to one of the joystick ports of the C64. The adapter is documented below, in case you want to build one yourself.
It is also possible to play the game in vice, the C64 emulator. You have to enable True Drive Emulation, and since it's a PAL game, you need to select one of the PAL video chips. Map some keyboard keys to gameport 2 if you just want to try it out. But for the full experience, you really have to play with your feet; if you already have a dance pad connected to your computer (typically by means of a PSX-to-USB adapter), it should behave as a regular joystick, and be directly accessible from within vice.
Hardsync 1st mix was released at Y'2012. Here's the CSDB page.
- hardsync (D64, 171 KB)
- Hardsync (Sid, 4.8 KB)
- Linus Akesson - Hardsync - Menu (MP3, 1.7 MB)
- Linus Akesson - Hardsync - Hi-score and menu (MP3, 2.5 MB)
- hardsync-tools-1.0 (Source tarball, 11 KB)
The PlayStation 2 controllers run on 3.3 volts and use a simple SPI-based protocol (described here). The C64 gameport (described here) provides 5 volts and has five inputs which are typically shorted to ground by mechanical switches in the joystick.
The easiest way to connect a dance pad is to gut it, removing everything except the bare switches, and simply connect them to the gameport. However, if you know how to program a microcontroller, it's also quite easy to make an adapter. This has the benefit of leaving the dance pad intact, so you can still use it for other game systems.
My adapter uses an ATmega88, which is a bit overkill, but it's what I had at hand. I didn't find a PS2 connector (although this one seems nice if you happen to live in the USA), so I cut the cable.
Here is the schematic and the firmware (source). Build and connect at your own risk.
Hardsync : ενα Dance Dance Revolution / StepMania game για ποιον αλλο ???
τον ποιο groovy ,funky ,τον αδιαμφισβητητα μουσικοτερο 8 bit home computer :
τον Commodore 64.
Δινονται και τα απαραιτητα scematics /firmware για την συνδεση του Commodore 64 με Dance mat.
Επος !!!!!
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