Hessian, ο πνευματικός διάδοχος των Metal Warrior games στο C64(preview)

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  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης


RetroMuseum GateKeepeR
9 Ιαν 2006
Προβολή συνημμένου 64147

Story:In a dystopian and poisoned future not very far from now, an organization called the Skeptics conducts unauthorized investigations into possible end-of-the-world scenarios. Up to now they have had to remain skeptical, but that might soon change. The protagonist, known by his nickname Hessian, is also a member of this group. He joined to keep himself occupied (and therefore retain at least some of his sanity) after being discharged from the military due to psychological reasons -- possibly a result of seeing things he was never supposed to see, an experimental procedure meant to wipe them away, or both.Technical details:

- 50Hz screen update, NTSC compatibility & speed compensation

- 8-directional scrolling (21 visible rows) with full color-RAM scrolling

- 24 sprite multiplexer

- Realtime sprite depacking for all sprites (using a sprite cache)

- Dynamic memory allocation for sprites & level data

- NinjaTracker V2.03 music & sound playback

- Loader based on the CovertBitops Loader V2.24 (1541/1581/FD/HD/IDE64)

- Plan to fill 2 disksides with Exomizer2 compressed data

Back from the dead, μια και η αναπτυξη του ειχε ξεκινησει το 2005 αλλα "παγωσε"καποια στιγμη, απο τον δημιουργο Lasse(Cadaver)Oorni/Covert BitOps της κορυφαιας -μετα 2000 -σειρας games για τον C64 Metal Warrior 1-4 (οπως & τα BOFH:Servers Under Siege ,Escape From New York ,etc ) μας ερχεται το .... Hessian,ο πνευματικος διαδοχος των Metal Warrior games, ενα sideview, multidirectionally scrolling, story-driven action / adventure game .

Κατεβαζεται μια πρωιμη εκδοση/preview

D/load >>>http://www.csdb.dk/release/download.php?id=141100

H πληρης εκδοση αναμενεται το 2013.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
I haven't much to present yet, but here's all player weapons from Hessian as implemented so far, 18 total, definitely some old favorites recognizable from MW4, but also something new..

The work continues with some minor missing stuff from the code department and then the next step is to actually pixel all the level backgrounds, empty at first, then to fill them with enemies later.
WIP update απο τον Lasse(Cadaver)Oorni
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Πολύ ωραία νέα.

Τα Metal Warrior μου άρεσαν αρκετά, και πιστεύω πως και η νέα δημιουργία θα είναι σε πολύ καλά επίπεδα. Το preview δεν το τσέκαρα ακόμα, αλλά θα γίνει και αυτό με την πρώτη ευκαιρία.
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[TD]11th February 2012


Hessian level art is underway. Here's something right from the game beginning, a derelict cargo ship which the Hessian infiltrates. As it's possible to fall into water, swimming and water physics had to be implemented...







WIP update απο τον Lasse(Cadaver)Oorni
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[TD]13th March 2012:


Sometimes shit happens, and you have to critically evaluate what you've been doing. In this case the level art so far doesn't fully match the vision of the poisoned future I had in mind, is somewhat wasteful (several full char + tilesets have been used for rather small areas) and most importantly all of it doesn't create a continuous, believable environment, so some re-planning and even re-doing is in order. However, it's quite certain that most of the work done will be reusable in some form (the levels pictured below certainly will.)








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14th May 2012: 

Work on Hessian has been slow due to implementing several new features to the 3D engine Urho3D (not at all C64-related) but it shall pick up. Music composing has started; the current plan is to compose most of the ingame music next and then return to the level art



Και Btw


-η σχετικη αναφορα στο
Hessian απο μια λιγο παλαιοτερη(18-10-2012) συνεντευξη του δημιουργου Cadaver (Lasse Οοrni)




9 Right now you are develloping Hessiah. What novelty will it give us compared to the previous titles? 


Hessian will indeed be quite similar to Metal Warrior games, but the aim is to implement more fluid and versatile player controls, more action onscreen and varied enemies (MW4 practically had one enemy AI routine that all the human enemies used, with varied parameters, and furthermore it was very CPU heavy meaning there could not be more than 2-3 enemies onscreen without the game slowing down) and a new story/setting/characters which hopefully turns out epic.






Hessian V2 Preview

2nd June 2015:

The first (beginning) level graphics for the new story & setting are done! It's a fairly standard warehouse setting, but more is to come.

Note the changed status panel layout. It's now more oldschool with a score display included. Next to the health bar there's a battery charge meter on the right.


Finally, a few words on the design process:

The "abandoned" story versions of Hessian taught an important lesson: as a game designer you should be able to imagine the game in your head from the beginning to end, with sufficient detail. If not, there's something wrong, for example some part being unclear or overambitious. Now I'm able to do that, while I previously couldn't, which no doubt should benefit long-term motivation (as I know exactly what still needs to be done) and make finishing this quite long project a reality at last!

(Btw. the lesson isn't even anything new, Metal Warrior 4 went through a similar process of over-ambitious initial scenarios being abandoned...)

Οτι ξερατε για το Hessian ξεχαστε το ,εκτος απο τα graphics assets μια και ο δημιουργος του Lasse (Cadaver) Oorni αναθεωρησε/επαναξιολογησε καποιες επιλογες του .

Το θετικο ειναι οτι το συγκεκριμμενο project δεν εγκαταλειφθηκε ,αλλα ανασχεδιαστηκε .....

Ενω στο κλεισιμο της παραθεσης και συγκεκριμμενα στην τελευταια παραγραφο των λεγομεμενων του Lasse (Cadaver) Oorni ,περιεχεται ενα χρησιμο"(π/μ)αθημα" για wanna be/εν δυναμει μελλοντικους developers ...

D/load Hessian V2 Preview +2

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:

Initial pass on the whole game world is done! Stats at this point: 667 screens, 15 charsets, 15 level loads, 216 blocks free on disk, time taken about 3 and half months.


The next step is likely going to be working on the enemies, both their graphics & AI.




Third and fourth levels done, bringing the total gameworld size to 130 screens. Also composed 8 short battle / cutscene / interlude songs.
At 430 screens and 281 free blocks on the diskside! Likely over a 2/3 of the game world done now, what practically remain are various endgame locations.

Planned or no, it seems that Hessian ends up tributing Fist II in some ways. Its manual promised underwater caves to be explored by swimming, while your energy (oxygen) depletes, but those were never included in the actual game. Now, almost 30 years later, Hessian will fulfill the promise. Also, whenever the air is poisonous, the background color will flash black...

0 blocks free, effect improved & data reshuffled. Some quite odd, but necessary data misuse occurred (placing ending sprites to a boss enemy spritefile, because they didn't fit anywhere else).

Now Hessian is feature-complete, and testing begins.
Υπέροχα !! Ωρα για δράση... :armed:
Φαινεται πολυ καλη δουλεια, ελπιζω να παιζει με το sd2iec για να το παιξω στον c64 με 1084 οπως πρεπει και οχι σε emu !

Edit:παιζει, και με sjload fastloader ! Παμε για λιωσιμο !
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:

Διαθεσιμη για D/load η 1.1 εκδοση του Hessian ,που ισοσκελιζει την αποσταση με την εμπορικη εκδοση της Psytronik

(HESSIAN - Ultimate Edition C64 Box Set)

- Guarantee 25% oxygen when a save game is loaded

- Explain the upgrade puzzle in a computer message

- Improve one of the upgrade puzzles

- Fix a typo in computer texts

- Fix a minor graphical bug in the security center cell doors

- Correct the statement in the manual that IDE64 cannot autostart

(may work depending on the firmware revision)

- Loading picture and logo shading edits

D/load Hessian 1.1 (C64)

hessian u ed.jpg