Dear friends,
if someone of you wants to have some fun making "going crazy" his Commodore machine, here are some programs, commands and instructions to try... most of the times, they lead to really unpredictable results...
For the Commodore 64...
Single command to type
PRINT""+-1 (try to repeat it more than once)
350800 (also here, try to repeat it several times)
SYS 42212
SYS 42213
SYS 42222
SYS 42223
SYS 42224
POKE 53265,58
POKE 53270,22
POKE 53272,104
(beware !!!! after typing these commands, Basic gets locked, even if the KERNAL continues accepting keystrokes from the user... but to take the command again of the system, you have to restart the machine...)
A short program to make "garbage" appear on the screen and loop the machine:
10 FOR X=0 TO 255
30 POKE 53280,X
40 POKE 53281,X
50 POKE 53272,X
60 POKE 53265,X
70 POKE 53270,X
90 GOTO 10
This other is useful... Do you want to emulate the "green phosphores monitor" effect on the Commodore 64 when it's connected to a color monitor or TV set ???? Just change the color of the cursor in green by hitting at the same time the Commodore key and the number key 6 and then type these commands:
POKE 53280,13
POKE 53281,5
SYS 64767
In the same way, you can emulate the start up screen of the Commodore 64 when it's connected to a black and white TV set... Change the color of the cursor by pressing at the same time the Commodore key and the number key 5 and then type these instructions:
POKE 53280,12
POKE 53281,11
SYS 64767
Hit return of course after typing each instruction...
On the Commodore 16, Plus/4 and 128
PRINT""+-1 (as said for the Commodore 64, repeat it more than once, if machine code monitor starts, exit by typing X and hitting return, and then retype the command... and see how it happens after three or four times...)
350800 (same explanation)
A little program to make patterns and garbage appear on the screen...
10 GRAPHIC 1,0
20 GRAPHIC 3,0
30 GOTO 10
Weird and creepy sounds coming out from your computer (hey, TED is coming alive !!!!!!)
10 VOL 8
20 FOR X=0 TO 1023
30 SOUND 3,X,10
50 GOTO 20
and more to come !!!!
if someone of you wants to have some fun making "going crazy" his Commodore machine, here are some programs, commands and instructions to try... most of the times, they lead to really unpredictable results...
For the Commodore 64...
Single command to type
PRINT""+-1 (try to repeat it more than once)
350800 (also here, try to repeat it several times)
SYS 42212
SYS 42213
SYS 42222
SYS 42223
SYS 42224
POKE 53265,58
POKE 53270,22
POKE 53272,104
(beware !!!! after typing these commands, Basic gets locked, even if the KERNAL continues accepting keystrokes from the user... but to take the command again of the system, you have to restart the machine...)
A short program to make "garbage" appear on the screen and loop the machine:
10 FOR X=0 TO 255
30 POKE 53280,X
40 POKE 53281,X
50 POKE 53272,X
60 POKE 53265,X
70 POKE 53270,X
90 GOTO 10
This other is useful... Do you want to emulate the "green phosphores monitor" effect on the Commodore 64 when it's connected to a color monitor or TV set ???? Just change the color of the cursor in green by hitting at the same time the Commodore key and the number key 6 and then type these commands:
POKE 53280,13
POKE 53281,5
SYS 64767
In the same way, you can emulate the start up screen of the Commodore 64 when it's connected to a black and white TV set... Change the color of the cursor by pressing at the same time the Commodore key and the number key 5 and then type these instructions:
POKE 53280,12
POKE 53281,11
SYS 64767
Hit return of course after typing each instruction...
On the Commodore 16, Plus/4 and 128
PRINT""+-1 (as said for the Commodore 64, repeat it more than once, if machine code monitor starts, exit by typing X and hitting return, and then retype the command... and see how it happens after three or four times...)
350800 (same explanation)
A little program to make patterns and garbage appear on the screen...
10 GRAPHIC 1,0
20 GRAPHIC 3,0
30 GOTO 10
Weird and creepy sounds coming out from your computer (hey, TED is coming alive !!!!!!)
10 VOL 8
20 FOR X=0 TO 1023
30 SOUND 3,X,10
50 GOTO 20
and more to come !!!!

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