"We knew that all older AMD drivers, and some Nvidia drivers would have problems with the game, but we were running well in-house on all of our test systems. When launch day came around and the wrong driver got released, half of our PC customers got a product that basically didn't work. The fact that the working driver has incompatibilities with other titles doesn't help either. Issues with older / lower end /exotic setups are to be expected on a PC release, but we were not happy with the experience on what should be prime platforms
This system has led to incredibly solid and bug-free 360 and PS3 versions
"We do not see the PC as the leading platform for games," Carmack added. "That statement will enrage some people, but it is hard to characterize it otherwise; both console versions will have larger audiences than the PC version. A high end PC is nearly 10 times as powerful as a console, and we could unquestionably provide a better experience if we chose that as our design point and we were able to expend the same amount of resources on it. Nowadays most of the quality of a game comes from the development effort put into it, not the technology it runs on. A game built with a tenth the resources on a platform 10 times as powerful would be an inferior product in almost all cases."
Νικόλα δε θέλω να σε στεναχωρήσω,αλλά μπορούσες να το πάρεις και φθηνότερα (τα μτφ είναι μία λίρα ανά παραγγελίαRygar είπε:4.5 μήνες αφότου κυκλοφόρησε παρηγγειλα το Rage προς 21 ευρώ με τα μεταφορικά.
Όταν αποφασίσεις να προβείς στην αγορά του κι αν αυτή γίνει μέχρι τέλη Απρίλη,πες μου να σου δώσω κι ένα κουπονάκι που έχω και ισχύει μέχρι τότε,για -10% στην τιμή του...Rygar είπε:Παντως είδα και το uncharted 3 σε συνδυαζμό με τη 1 λιρα μτφ εχει σουπερ τιμούλα. Τον αλλο μήνα όμως. Μερσί για το λινκ Μάνε!!