My top Greek films of all times (or by Greek directors)

  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας Domenica
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης


9 Νοέ 2009
Internationally awarded visually (and aurally) stunning Greek Films (or created by Greek directors)

a. historical / political drama

1.a. Angelopoulos T., (1975), The Traveling Players, Papalios productions

- FIPRESCI Prize in Cannes, several awards in Berlin, Salonica, other film festivals and from BFI.

It is not easy to watch but this is a milestone of European cinema, by far more popular among the international festival circuit rather than in its native Greece. It is a four hour epic adaptation of Aeschylus 's Oresteia among a folk theatrical troupe that roams the Greek countryside through several decades of political turmoil. With magnificent set pieces and stunning photography that makes the most from Angelopoulos's trademark foggy landscapes and the ghost towns of Northern Greece. A challenging but rewarding experience.

b. Tasios P., I Paragelia (1980)

- best documentary award in Salonika, Monte Carlo, AsterFest film festivals

Some years ago a group of wealthy farmers from the Peloponnese seaside touristy village of Zaharo (aka Sugartown) went to the Russian town of Klin looking for wives willing to live in rural Greece. Raw, challenging, visually impressive and a surprisingly tender essay in anthropology. This film looks extremely grim now: Zaharo was severely hit during the 2007 fires that burnt half the Peloponnese claiming 80 lives. The majority of the properties appearing on film were destroyed and some of its colourful characters died.

2. Koutsaftis P., (2000), The sullen stone (Agelastos Petra), Phillipos Koutsaftis productions

- 3 awards in Salonika Film festival (best documentary, film, audience award)

A documentary that follows Elefsina' s decline from a picturesque seaside town famous for its antiquities (it used to be the centre of the mystical Demeter- Persefoni worship and occult) to a polluted, industrial city with serious social and economic problems. A continuous crime against the built environment, the natural landscape and the national heritage. Harrowing but essential viewing.

d. musical

1. Ferris C., (1983), Rembetiko, Greek Film Center

- Silver Bear Berlin / 4 awards in Salonika (best film, best actress, best supporting actress, best supporting actor)

The life and work of the rembetika (the songs of the 1922 Asia Minor refugees, often described as the Greek equivalent of blues or tango) singer Marika Ninou following her steps through the traumatic events of Greek history.This element elevates the simple "underprivileged girl becomes a star" story to something much deeper. Amazing reconstruction of era as it follows the transformation of rembetika songs from the sub - culture of the dispossessed to mainstream popularity. Instead of using Ninou's famous songs composer Stavros Xarhakos wrote new ones inspired from the rembetika but by fusing his influences from folk music to political songs, thus creating another classic soundtrack that also became a touristy favουrite.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Amazing post! Well done Domenica :clap: