Phantomas Saga 0: Uprising

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Human RetroDatabase
9 Ιαν 2006

Άλλα μια ρετρο-έκπληξη , αυτή την φορά απο την CEZ Games. Το Phantomas Saga 0: Uprising είναι ουσιαστικά prequel του ομώνυμου παιχνιδιού του Speccy.

Four years or more in the making, you can see where the time has been spent with the (now to be expected from our Spanish cousins) fantastic pixelling work and attention to detail. It really does look the part giving you a retro experience but a feast for the eyes.This game (the original that is) sticks in my mind personally because it was the first game I remember to have two different jump keys. You have a long jump and a high jump which added a lot of level design possibility and a bit of strategy to the play where you really had to pay attention and make sure you were using the correct jump for the job.

Check it out today and remember those glorious days where buying games didnʼt break the bank and you didnʼt have to take out a second mortgage if you wanted to get more than one a month.

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