Pieces of old Italian television in the 80's...

  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας franco
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης


15 Mαϊ 2010
Dear friends...

Here for you, this is a little collection of videos taken from youtube where you can see how was the TV environment in Italy during the 80's decade... enjoy it !!!!

Italian RAI public broadcasting service testcard (Philips PM5544, I know that also the ERT used it in the 80's...)



Italian RAI 2 opening sequence in 1990 (testcard music by Bert Kaempfert)


Italian RAI 1 opening sequence in 1980-81

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
I do not know Italian at all but I remember watching "Domenica In" (or something like that).

Incredible girls! :)
"Domenica in" is still on air nowadays... even if the program had changed a lot of formats... (and also the beautiful girls are still present !!!!) :)

Here it is... a little gift for you !!!!

Pomeriggio amico Franco benvenuto nel forum .. spero che tu abbia un buon tempo qui

ha video con Raffaella Karra dalla televisione italiana;

dalle emissioni ha fatto la RAI

Mi ricordo che gli Stati Uniti di Domenica
Από ό,τι βλέπω η τηλεοπτική ρετρό γκάμα μας, μεγαλώνει!!

Thank you very much Franco!!!! :)
ford231 είπε:
Pomeriggio amico Franco benvenuto nel forum .. spero che tu abbia un buon tempo quiha video con Raffaella Karra dalla televisione italiana;

dalle emissioni ha fatto la RAI

Mi ricordo che gli Stati Uniti di Domenica
Ciao amico mio !!!! E' un piacere conoscerti e complimenti per il tuo italiano !!!!

I think that these two videos can suit your request...

Here there is "5353456" in Italian... the translitteration of the numbers is "cinque tre cinque tre quattro cinque sei" (in Greek:"pente tria pente tria tessera pente eksi"...)


And here there is the correspondant Greek version... for metric reasons, the Greek text was lightly adapted to the rhymes and is not really similar to Italian one... also the title was changed in "6868357" ("eksi okto eksi okto tria pente efta'...")

You are welcome my friend !!!! If you and the other friends agree, I can also post some other videos (I put only the youtube links in order not to make the loading page too slow) of local TV shows (not only RAI) in the 80's and 90's decades... let me know !!!!
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
franco είπε:
You are welcome my friend !!!! If you and the other friends agree, I can also post some other videos (I put only the youtube links in order not to make the loading page too slow) of local TV shows (not only RAI) in the 80's and 90's decades... let me know !!!!
Grazie! Molto per i video ..

Personalmente mi piacerebbe vedere il vostro video .. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Καλα μιλαμε ποσο πλακα εχει αυτη η ελληνο-ιταλικη συνεργασια!!! :D

Να στε καλα βρε παιδια που μου θυμιζετε οτι η Ιταλια δεν ειναι και πολυ μακρυα απο την Ελλαδιτσα μας! :flower:

Franco, μου αρεσει παρα πολυ η Ραφαελα Καρα! Ηταν και ειναι πανεμορφη, αρτιστα με ηθος και γουστο, και μαλιστα απο τις λιγες γυναικες που δεν εχει ταραξει τα μουτρα της στην σιλικονη οπως κατι αλλες μπαμπογριες που το παιζουν τζοβινες!!!

Μεταφραση στα ιταλικα. Era (ed è) stupenda, una vera artista di alto livello ed eleganza, e dalle poche signore di oggi, che non ha sparato l'impossibile di silicone sulla sua faccia. Ci sono infatti molte babbione che lo fanno, in Italia e non solo, cercando di fare le giovanotte! Lei invece invecchia con armonia
ford231 είπε:
Grazie! Molto per i video ..Personalmente mi piacerebbe vedere il vostro video .. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Con molto piacere amico mio !!!! :)

A short collection for you and for the other friends who want to stop here and watch...

DOPPIO SLALOM (opening theme, this game was based on the original "Blockbusters" format)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K0cNyq5i-M

URKA !!!! (sounds like the "AMAN" word in Greek, this was another tele-quiz that I remember was one of my favourites, it was broadcast by Italia Uno TV station in the 1991...


This is the opening theme of a musical TV show of the early 80's, named "PREMIATISSIMA", the name of the tune is "TAKE A CHANCE" from Bizzy & Co. Enjoy !!!!


And for those who wants to listen to the entire song... here it is !!!!

Credo anche io come te Anastasia che su molte cose, e non solo sull' argomento televisivo, la Grecia e l' Italia si assomigliano molto... mentre per quanto riguarda Raffaella Carra', ultimamente appare meno in televisione, ma come hai giustamente detto tu, conserva sempre intatta la sua freschezza...

(I can translate it in English for the other friends because my Greek is very poor... "I believe like you Anastasia that, regarding many things, and not only talking about radio and television environment, Greece and Italy look very similar... while, talking about Raffaella Carra', in the last times she is less appearing on TV, but as you rightly said, she always preserved intact her freshness...")
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
The "historic" month of January 1985, with a very cold atmosphere and temperatures... the weather Rai forecasts of that period...
