Aardvark είπε:
Maddog είπε:Νομίζω ότι δεν υπάρχει μεγαλύτερη τιμή από το να σε παινεύει ο αρχικός δημιουργός του παιχνιδιού.![]()
http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=482831&highlight=domark#482831\ είπε:This looks fantastic, better than the version we did at Domark way back when. I had a version of this on my disks somewhere. I did just buy a 1541 to USB gadget so maybe it will show up if the disks are still readable and even the very nearly finished C64 version of Typhoon Thompsan as well.
Well done with a fab looking C64 game.
οπου Jim Blackler εχει συμμετασχει στην αναπτυξη τωνJim Blackler said...
Stunning work mrsid. It is testimony to Jordan's brilliant design that this game would work so well on a limited platform. I was a programmer on the Sega Genesis conversion at Domark some time around 1994. We worked from sight and by playing the original, but I do recall we had some of Jordan's original source to use as reference. It helped out from time to time.
Tο κατεβαζετε απο εδω* Introduction
75 custom fan-made levels, random level generator and game launcher
* Features
- Automatic cartridge files generation from custom PC fan-made levels
- Built-in random level generator (Aka Random Tournament Mod V0.7)
- Random level tweaking (Random decoration, spikes and level mirroring)
- User-friendly level launcher(Winvice should be installed)
* Note
- Please README.TXT for launching level via Winvice.
EasyFlash support (read only) >>>> Prince of Persia1541Ultimate I & II Update 2.4
A new firmware for 1541 Ultimate (versions I and II) has been released. The update contains fixes which are already included in the custom firmware v2.3 (tlr). In addition, the following functions were added:
• CRT load
• EasyFlash support (read only)
• Flashing and running custom FPGAs (1541U-II only)
According to the changelog there has been quite some work “under the hood”. The new firmware is available for registered users in the Download section at http://www.1541ultimate.net.