Sega Vision (Νεο Handheld)

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  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης


Retromaniax Co-Founder
26 Σεπ 2006
Μην βιαζεστε ,handheld ειναι ,απο Sega ειναι, οθονη εχει, αλλα εχει και ενα μικρο μειονεκτημα ,δεν παιζει παιχνιδια.

Κριμα κριμα. :(


The prospect of Sega releasing a portable system is a promising one, given Sega's historically broad library of fun vintage titles. But alas, the Sega Vision doesn't play games.

About the size of a chunky iPod, the Vision is an MP4/MP3 player, radio/TV tuner, voice recorder, eBook reader and camera. OK, not games, but not bad, right? That's until you realize that it's only got 2GB of storage, that TV tuner is analog (soon obsolete) and the camera is a measly 1.3MP.

The Vision was once going to play simple flash games, but Sega didn't want people to think they were trying to compete with Sony and Nintendo. So now it's just an overpriced European PMP (expected to go for $100 or more) and a novelty prize for Sega's UFO catcher arcade machines.

Remember, these are the same guys who once released the Genesis and the Dreamcast.
[Sega Nerds]
Ούτε από Sega είναι, μή μασάς. Έλεος :D

Βέβαια, ντ'αξει, την είχε πατήσει κοτζάμ TheRegister, αλλά είναι πασιφανές ότι είναι κινέζικη μαϊμουδιά...
μεγαλο μειονεκτημα αληθεια ποτε θα δουμε κανενα handheld να παιζει παιχνιδια dreamcast και saturn να σαλταρουμε!! αληθεια εχει γινει καμια προσπαθεια (οχι μοντα) απο την sega ?? η απο καποια αλλη εταιρια....
Ορίστε κατάληξη η SEGA. Αίσχος. Τηλεορασάκια απομίμηση φτηνών κινέζικων συσκευών.....

Η SEGA που αγαπώ και ξέρω έχει πεθάνει καιρό. Τι στο διάολο κάθονται και δεν τη κλείνουν την εταιρεία; Ως πότε θα ξεφτιλίζουν το όνομα ενός θρύλου;
Πραγματικό ΑΙΣΧΟΣ με όλη τη σημασία της λέξης !
ενταξει μην τρελενεσαι κιολλας , ασε να υπαρχει σαν εταιρια software (τουλαχιστον)και ποτε δεν ξερεις ισως στο μελλον δουμε κατι
Ότι και να δούμε στο μέλλον μάλλον για πατάτα το κόβω. Και σάπια πατάτα.....

SEGA is dead. 09-09-09 I do not believe......... not anymore.........
ΝΑΙ αλλα ετσι δεν βοηθαμε, καλυτερα να μην λεμε τιποτα και να δειχνουμε αδιαφορια ...παρα να κατακρινουμε καθε κινηση της. Ισα ισα που χειροτερα τα κανουμε
Όταν οι κινήσεις είναι προσβολή στην ιστορία, δεν χρειαζόμαστε εμείς να τα κάνουμε χειρότερα!!!!!!!
Αν και εγω πιστευω οτι ειναι πολυ δυσκολο η SEGA να βγαλει νεα κονσολα (εχει βολευτει καλα να βγαζει μονο Games) και ο λογος ειναι οτι πρεπει να ανταγωνιστει δυο κολοσσους (Microsoft,Sony) πρεπει να πεσει πολυ χρημα και δεν νομιζω να ειναι διαθετημενη να το κανει,αλλα υπαρχουν ακομη ανθρωποι που ελπιζουν.

ενα σχετικο θεμα που εχω βρει

Ιs Sega planning a return to the console market?by Don Reisinger

If you've read the Digital Home for the past two years, you probably know that I hold a special place in my heart for Sega. I was always a heavy Genesis user and subsequent to that, I owned every console Sega released. That's precisely why a report from Siliconera has me excited.
According to the publication, Sega has trademarked two names, "Ringwide" and "Ringedge," as well as a logo containing rings. The trademark clearly says that the names will be used for "arcade game boards...stand alone video game machines, [or] arcade game machines with built-in screens."

Sega's new console logo?


(Credit: Sega)

So what can this mean? Obviously it's too early to tell, but some are saying that it could be Sega's return to the arcade business. I'm sure they would get excited about that, but the arcade business is a shadow of its former self. Since console gaming became a mainstay, it has lost much of its importance. I just don't see Sega investing in the arcade business.

But what if this filing is for a top-secret console the company is developing to compete with the next-generation of hardware? Will Ringwide or Ringedge take on the Wii 2, PlayStation 4, and Xbox 720?

I certainly hope so.

I not only think Sega can make a triumphant return to the console business, I think it could be one of the best moves the company could make.

As a software developer, Sega has lost much of its appeal. Sonic games aren't nearly as fun as they once were on the Genesis or Dreamcast and major Sega franchises like Shenmue have been all but forgotten by the company.

But if it developed a console to compete with Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, I think Sega could turn things around. Granted, its executives have said on numerous occasions that they are happy developing games, but the company still enjoys an almost mystical reputation in the market and its following is still loyal.

For those of us who grew up in the days of Genesis-SNES wars, the very thought of a new Sega console gets us excited. If Sega announced its intention to get back into the console market at this year's E3, I'd fully expect fanboys from Japan to Europe to North America to stand in unison and cheer wildly after hearing the news. It would be a monumental announcement that would put Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo on notice: Sega is back.

I'm fully aware that getting into the console market now is dangerous. Nintendo is enjoying incredible success and the once-dominant PlayStation is trying desperately to keep up with competitors. Some might think that there isn't any room in the market for another player. I disagree.

Sega has a loyal following that has been asking for a new console from the company ever since the Dreamcast was discontinued. Sega also understands how to be successful in the hardware business and has the first-party properties in place to be a major competitor to Nintendo's lineup on launch day.

Sega also has learned from its past mistakes. It now knows not to release a console the same day it's announced to a select group of retailers and it now knows to start playing nice with developers. It now knows that to be successful, it doesn't need to be the first console out of the gate, but it certainly needs to provide the most innovative and fun gameplay.

But time is running out. Sega may be loved by millions across the globe who still hold their Genesis and Dreamcast in high regard, but our memories fade and we move on to new things. If Sega waits too long to release a console or doesn't release a device at all, an entirely new generation of gamers will mature in an age where they will never know Sega as anything but a software developer. Once that happens, the importance (and appeal) of a new Sega console would be lost on them.

That's why Sega needs to act now. It needs to announce Ringwide or Ringedge at E3 this year and finally stake its claim to the hardware business.

Bring on the Ringwide, Sega. We've been waiting long enough.
Man... Sorry to burst the bubble... αλλα κατι τετοιο δν προκειται να γινει. Η sega δεν προκειται συντομα να βγαλει αλλη κονσολα.. Ηταν κορυφαια στο ειδος της και την εκτιμω σχεδον οσο την NINTENDO(μια σταλιτσα λιγοτερο). Ολοι οσοι μιλουν στο youtube και τα λοιπα φορουμς για dreamcast 2 και τα ρεστα ειναι αερολογοι. Ο αμερικανος αντιπροσωπος της Sega δηλωσε ρητα σε προσφατη συνεντευξη του οτι κατι τετοιο δν θα γινει. Αν παλι περιμενουν 4-5 χρονια μηπως πανε τα οικονομικα της εταιριας καλυτερα και υστερα επιστρεψουν στο χωρο της κονσολας τι να πω..

Αυτα βεβαια που προαναφερθηκαν απο τον vagosgta3 ειναι τα σχεδια της SEGA για ενα Arcade System με την επωνυμια RINGWIDE" και "RINGEDGE" οποτε μπορουμε να υποθεσουμε οτι η Sega κανει νεα αποπειρα για να μπει στο hardware bussiness χωρις να ανταγωνιζεται αμεσα τουσ κολοσους του ειδους γιατι δεν ειναι σε θεση ακομη να τους ανταγωνιστει προφανως.
Και για τα δυο boards εχουμε κανει αναφορα εδω