Sonic 2 HD

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Retired Admin
19 Ιαν 2006
Σπευστε εδω και κατεβαστε το tech demo.

Το κακο ειναι οτι εχει αυξημενες απαιτησεις (GPU με 512mb,Shader 2.0)

Στο ολοκληρωμενο υποσχεται

carbon copy version of the original,run at FULL HD – cinemascope resolution, Multiplayer Online Competitions, New Levels, unlockables and much more.

=====================3. The History of Sonic 2 HD


The idea of creating a high definition version of Sega's classic Sonic the Hedgehog 2

first appeared on a website called "Alchemist Defined". An artist calling himself

Billy had drawn an incredibly impressive piece of artwork, which showed Sonic about

to fight the last boss of the game in the "Death Egg Zone". The low-resolution sprites

were richly brought to life in this phenomenal piece of artwork: both the background

and the characters had been completely remastered. A number of video gaming websites

quickly discovered the image and were soon showing it off on their homepages.

The question had been posed; "What would Sonic 2 look like in high definition?"

The "Sonic Retro" community had always taken a keen interest in all things related to

Sonic's classical era. On December 6th 2007, a member of this community

called "Athelstone" found Billy's image and excitedly posted it in the General discussion

forums, while asking the very same question - what would it be like?. The thread was

soon moved to the "Creative Works" section of the forum.

Three months later, on March 8th 2008, a member of Sonic Retro called "Vangar"

created a discussion thread asking for a game engine he could use to start work

on such a project. The thread gained a surprising amount of interest! Many members

of the community quickly began to post concept images of what the game ought to

look like. To begin with, fans would merely apply graphical filters to the original

low-resolution graphics. A member called "Yarharhar" then posted an image of a

completely remastered Sonic, along with a method describing how he had drawn it!

It was not long until a member of the community called "Vincent" was so inspired

by Yarharhar's effort, that he took it upon himself to begin remastering a whole

set of Sonic's character frames. Sonic 2 HD had begun!

However, the most difficult tasks still lay ahead of the project. How would we

organize ourselves to achieve this goal? What game engine would be used to make

it a reality? One possibility was to use a modified Genesis emulator, which would

display the graphics from the original game ROM in high definition. However, it was

decided that this would be far too limiting for the project. This is because the

bugs and slow downs from the original game would be replicated, rather than fixed

and improved upon. It would also be impossible to expand upon the project if its

foundation was just an emulator.

Another possibility was to use a custom made engine that had already been created.

A member of the community called "Taxman" had already created a popular Sonic

engine called "Retro Sonic". Unluckily, the physics in his engine were not yet

close enough to the original genesis series for it to be used (despite the fact

that Taxman's engine boasted an incredibly impressive level development kit for

designing original Sonic levels). It was likely that Taxman would eventually perfect

the physics in his engine - but rather than wait for him to accomplish this, the

community thirsted for the Sonic 2 HD project to move forward.

After a time, a staff team had been formed. Since Vincent had already remastered

many of Sonic's frames, he became the project leader and the lead artist.

A member called "SANiK" had even created an online database, which allowed

contributors to upload all of their artwork, while members "Athelstone" and

"Blue Streak" coordinated some of the community's contributions while giving

suggestions and guidance to other project staff. Eventually, the administrators

of Sonic Retro granted us our own community forum for the Sonic 2 HD project -

but we still didn't have an engine!

Members of the community were starting to cast doubt upon the project - was it

really going to become a reality or not? Then, out of the blue, a long-running

member of the community called "LOst" privately informed the project staff that

he had already been developing his own engine for a number of years and would

like to be a part of the project. The staff were astounded at the accuracy of

his physics, since they were based upon Sonic 3 (which fixed many of the bugs

present in Sonic 2's physics). We finally had an engine! On September 15th 2008

the first technical demo of Sonic 2 HD was released - Sonic has returned!
:dribble::dribble: Πολύ καλόοοοοοοοοο!
η 8800gt θα το παιξει η να παω για αναβαθμιση :D καλα 512 mb για να παιξουμε 2d παιχνιδι :angry:
Έλα ντε, κι εγώ αυτό σκέφτομαι... πόσο φοβερά πράγματα πια κάνει που είναι πιο βαρύ από φουλ 3D παιχνίδια; Βέβαια, το λένε ότι είναι technology demo, τουτέστιν μπορεί να βελτιστοποιηθεί, αλλά σαν technology demo δεν λέει και πολλά :D
trooper13 είπε:
η 8800gt θα το παιξει η να παω για αναβαθμιση :D καλα 512 mb για να παιξουμε 2d παιχνιδι :angry:
Μαλλον θα τρεχει μονο σε Vista :D :D:D:D,περα την πλακα φαινεται αρκετα καλο!
Ρε παιδιά βλακείες είναι αυτά για τις απαιτήσεις.Το δοκίμασα προχτες σε έναν Pentium 1000 Mhz με 256 MB RAM και μια FX 5200 και πήγαινε μια χαρά=almost full speed.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Και μετα απο 10 σχεδον χρονια...ανεβηκε το demo.

Λιγο flash-ατο οσο αφορα το look...καπως αποστειρωμενο ομως πολυ ομορφο. Μην ξεχναμε οτι ειναι demo. Θα ηταν σουπερ να ειχε μια επιλογη για scanlines παντως.

BTW o φετινος Σεπτεμβρης ηταν φοβερος σε παιχνιδια...Super Hydorah, SonicMania, Fight'N'Rage, Cuphead, Sonic2HD demo κτλ
Ωραιο game οπως και το 1!!σε αυτη την hd εκδοση δεν νομιζω εχει καποιο νοημα να βαλουν scanlines η φιλτρα crt μιας και το παιχνιδι ειναι για υψηλες αναλυσεις με ανανεωμενα γραφικα σχεδιαζμενα για να δειχνουν αψογα στην hd και καποιο προσθετο φιλτρο οπως οι scanlines σ αυτη την περιπτωση ισως το κανουν να δειχνει χειροτερα και δεν νομιζω να εμπαιναν στον κοπο οι προγραμματιστες να ξαναδουλεψουν τα γραφικα για αψογη εικονα σε hd και να εβαζαν και φιλτρα οπως scanlines!!scanlines θα πηγαιναν αν ειχε τα προτοτυπα γραφικα!!αλλα θεμα γουστου πως αρεσει στον καθενα.