Sonic2 HD remake [Τeam S2HD]

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Retromaniax Co-Founder
26 Σεπ 2006
Aλλο ενα fan made.


Eχασα την μπαλα με τα επισημα και τα ανεπισημα.


Ομορφα πρωινά νέα! Ολα τα ποιοτικά sonic είναι ευπρόσδεκτα! Από ότι κατάλαβα αυτό θα είναι το sonic 2, χωρίς κάποια διαφοροποιηση εκτός από τα hd γραφικά! Οχι ότι με χαλάει, ψάχνω ευκαιρία να ξανατερματίσω το sonic 2!
δεν ξέρω... το remake του 1 μου φαίνεται καλύτερο... αυτό τώρα τί να πω... έχει υψηλής ανάλυσης γραφικά, so what?
keropi είπε:
δεν ξέρω... το remake του 1 μου φαίνεται καλύτερο... αυτό τώρα τί να πω... έχει υψηλής ανάλυσης γραφικά, so what?
Το remake του 1 εχει βγει? Ποιος το χει κανει? Λινκ εχουμε για περισσοτερο info οσο αφορα το 1?
Μάλλον το Sonic Retro Remix θα λέει. Δεν είναι remake του 1 αλλά ολοκαίνουργιο παιχνίδι βασισμένο στα παλιά παιχνίδια Sonic.

Εμένα πάντως μου αρέσει πάρα πολύ! Ελπίζω να κυκλοφορήσει σύντομα. Για 1ο τετράμηνο του 2011 λένε για την πρώτη Alpha έκδοση.
Με την πρωτη ματια φαινεται για καλη δουλεια.

Απο που μπορουμε να το κατεβασουμε να του ριξουμε και μια δευτερη?

ΟΚ μου απαντησε ο απο πανω.
Last month we proudly showed off a demo of what we've accomplished with S2HD.Needless to say, more work has been done on the game; unfortunately, the odds of this work every seeing the light of day is slim to none. We gave the project's Lead Programmer, LOst, a week to provide us with a DRM free build of S2HD.

We've heard as much from him as you have, so it's safe to assume that's not going to happen. Given his complete lack of communication and cooperation, it falls upon to LOst to assume full responsibility for his actions as, up until the demo was released, the project's leadership was unaware of both the DRM and the now infamous DirectInput bug. This was the last straw for us. He had ignored direct requests for the past two years, effectively holding the project ransom by refusing additional help or review on his private engine. If he didn't think a piece of artwork matched his vision for the game, it was not included, or worse, was replaced by assets of his own creation. The same thing happened with the excellent multi-format sound engine our Tools Programmer Saxman created. Ultimately, LOst is no longer a part of the project.

That's the good news. The bad news for the project far outweighs it unfortunately. We cannot replace our lead programmer as LOst kept the source code for himself, making it impossible to the coded source material to be updated or used as a base for newer builds.

Additionally, two key staff members, scanline99 and Cerulean Nights (both of whom were chiefly responsible for the many animations, spritework, and overall polish seen in the demo) have resigned from the project to concentrate on independent works and careers. While we wish them the best in their endeavours, what this means to the project is that they will no longer be producing any artwork for it. Without them we are not able to guarantee the same level of quality seen in the alpha. At the moment, with ongoing careers and kids to look after, both myself and Canned Karma don't anticipate that we'll have a great deal of time to devote to S2HD either, which means we're forced to announce that

Sonic 2 HD is officially discontinued.

Certainly the DirectInput bug and the blogosphere fallout over it didn't help matters, but by the time that had taken place we had already made the decision to discontinue the project almost two months ago, well ahead of the demo's release. Internal conflicts between the project leadership and its main programmer which reached critical mass, and the only thing holding it together was the collective determination to put our frustrations aside and get a playable build into the hands of everyone who waited years for it.

Hopefully, another group in the Sonic community will pick up the torch and go forward with the vision we had over a year ago -- not just creating a Sonic 2 remake, but creating entirely original content.

Thanks to everyone who supported the project, especially to the passionate classic Sonic fanbase.

The appreciation thousands of fans expressed to S2HD as a game made "by fans for fans", represents a landmark where SEGA has to look at for a profitable use of the -highly demanded and beloved Classic franchise.


Team S2HD

Project Leader
Kαλα εκανε και ακυρωθηκε.Δεν χρειαζεται να βγαζουμε πεθαμενους σκαντοχειρους απο τον ταφο τους :diablotin:
Καποιος Sonic Fan (εφτιαξε μια graphics engine) και εσωσε την παρτιδα ......

Hello everyone!The only thing more surprising than seeing an official post from us here is our announcing that S2HD is no longer dead.

You read that correctly: work has once again begun on Sonic 2 HD! That said, we'd like to give you all a brief tie-in for recent events leading to the project's reboot.

As many of you know, the leading reason behind the project's cancellation was due to the programming element being removed with no possibility of return in its existing form. As of last year, this changed. Before anyone raises the question, no, the former programmer and the S2HD team members have not had a reunion; instead, a fan of the project independently created and submitted his own engine to Vincent, the project leader, for evaluation. After integrating the art assets from the alpha release and successfully testing it, Vincent began to let the rest of the prior team members know, and we've picked up where we left off sans those who are unavailable due to real life obligations. Two other talented programmers have since offered their skills to recreate the game's physics to match the original, and to port the game to the Mac OS platform (the latter of which is still in the earliest possible stage, and we have no estimate on when it will be playable, so stay tuned!).


In response to some of the questions we have seen, the Alpha Release build is officially discontinued and will not get any form of support as we do not have the source code. The next release will be entirely new programming from the ground up.


We'll provide more details in how you can help us out in the next few days. It's good to be back!
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