Spectrum: Νέες κυκλοφορίες

  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας Wally
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης
Battery's not Precluded

Νεο παιχνιδι προσφορα του Jonathan Caudwell. Σε καθε πιστα εχεις καποιο οχημα και προσπαθεις να κανεις τα εχθρικα οχηματα που σε κυνηγανε να τρακαρουν μεταξυ τους. Το εξυπνο twist ειναι οτι οι αντιπαλοι κοπιαρουν μετα απο λιγο τις κινησεις σου.


Απορώ γιατί να ασχολούμαστε με τα PCιά μας όταν βγαίνουν τέτοια παιχνίδια για τον απόλυτο υπολογιστή :D .
Mole Hunter


Διασκευη του ομωνυμου παιχνιδιου του Casio Handheld



Cheril of the Bosque



απο Mojon Twins...

Control Cheril accross the jungle looking for giant nuts. When you manage to collect thirteen of them, the game will end and youʼll win. In already visited screens, a tasteful roasted chicken may appear, and it will help you to recover some life points, which youʼll lose when you hit an enemy, a ball of spikes, poisonous shrooms or carnivorous plants.
Some places in the game map are closed at the beginning of your adventure. The ancient tribe of the Bahunos Montunos built enormous stone gates which can only be open using special keys scattered around the jungle. Another spots will be blocked by red boxes which Eleuterio brought when he moved to this jungle. You can push those boxes out of your way provided thereʼs nothing which blocks them. Donʼt worry if you fail and block your path even more: you just have to exit the screen and, when you come back, the boxes will be placed on their original positions… Thatʼs the magic of video games!
Wally είπε:
Control Cheril accross the jungle looking for giant nuts.

Η Τσέριλ που ψάχνει στην ζούγκλα για μεγάλα ...καρύδια.

(sorry Wally, δεν άντεξα...) ;)
Viaje al Centro de la Napia


Miguelito was everything but a whiz. Thatʼs why, on the first day her mum took him to the special class for adolescents still in 2nd grade at the primary school (the famous SCFASISGATPS), he felt a little bit lost among so many geniuses, so many books, and su much science. He just sat down in his hexagonal desk, down headed and looking straight to the floor, kind of ashamed.
The teacher was babling about something barely understandable. He had a severe headache and was getting seriously bored. In front of him, a brand new box of wooden pencils (brand Alpino), just bought, stared at him defiantly. So Miguelito began burying one by one all the pencils inside his nose. He thought he was really good at this, as he held several records since he was at the kindergarden. She just wanted to blow off his personal record and try to introduce the whole box of twelve pencils! Well, he was now a pupil at the SCFASISGATPS. That was another level, he had to take the challenge.

After he buried the white pencil, the last one still left in the box, he suddenly felt how he stopped hearing his teacher and the picture turned blurred. Miguelito closed his eyes and fell down his desk, plunged into a deep coma.

When he woke up, he was in front of a huge, enormous nasal orifice. He didnʼt know how he got there, he was just positive that, if he didnʼt remove the twelve pencils from his skull, he could never escape from that nightmare…

You control Miguelito inside his own skull, in the search of twelve pencils. Only when you have removed all the twelve pencils from inside Miguelitoʼs skull youʼll be able to escape from this nightmare.

Some sections in Miguelitoʼs skull are not accesible from the beginning of your quest. Thankfully, thereʼs always a weak, thin spot of tissue you can easily cut with a scalpel. Donʼt worry, thereʼs plenty of scalpels inside Miguelitoʼs nose and other places inside his skull.

You must beware of lots of germs which wander everywhere and which can kill you if you are not careful with your jumps. When you feel exhausted, just look for chorizo sandwhiches (which nobody knows exactly how they got there!)


Moggy Adventure


After travelling across the world to become a gentleball and leave all his vices behind (mainly alcohol and the riverside weeds, but rumours suggest that it had more to do with female balls dressed in shiny shiny, shiny boots of leather), Moggy returned to the Canutos Forest and introduced his brand new reformed self to his friends the pink balls. He had travelled to the distant Tibet to behold the monksʼ bald heads, which is really inspiring, and he had shared many meals with rich astronomer and philosopher Arabian sheiks, who teached him about the wonders of the world. He spent quite some time meditating on the top of a brick in the middle of a waste grund behind the flats where I live (my and the other children thought of him to be a rotten melon) until he finally enroled in an old sailing ship and worked tatooing sailor chests for three years. But such travels had come to an end. Now he was back.
Everyone was so happy to have him back that they threw the biggest party we all can remember in Moggysʼs garden, and he spent days just eating and driking gallons of alcohol, so they all got incredibly drunk after a while. Specially Moggy.

Honestly, Moggy canʼt remember what happened very well. He woke up at home with an enormous hangover. Something went wrong… He could see his friends across the window completely wasted sleeping scattered all over the garden but there was something else… Oh, rats… Itʼs all full of ranos and strange creatures! What just happened?

As Moggy, you must behave like a good host and recover all your wasted friends which lie scattered unconcious all over your garden and outskirts. Different sections are properly locked with keys (in fact, the very first thing you have to do is get they key which opens the main door to exit your home).

Outside youʼll have to face all sorts of strange, disgusting and dangerous creatures which you must avoid by all means. Besides, as youʼve been out for so long, your garden is like a wild jungle and you got dangerous bad weeds everywhere. Hawthorns, cacti, and poisonous bushes grow wildly everywhere. They will do quite harm, so beware…

Heart Stealer

Ωραια γραφικα, εξαιρετικη μουσικη ευκολο και διασκεδαστικο platform

πετυχα τυχαια αυτο το loading screen του Halo απο spectrum αν και ειναι παλια η φωτογραφια (2008 ) λεει οτι θα κυκλοφορουσαν παιχνιδι Halo στο spectrum


Halo 4 (8K: Back to basics) - Exclusive first shot
Weʼre huge fans of Halo, so when we heard that it would be appearing on the Spectrum 48K we became ecstatic. Thereʼs no news as to when the game will be released, but hereʼs an early screenshot to get you excited.

Νέο Puzzle game με τίτλο SAFECRACKER

Προσπαθείς να ανοίκεις ένα χρηματοκιβώτιο.


Download από εδώ http://mister_beep.republika.pl/safecracker.zip

Βρεχει παιχνιδια φετος για τον Speccy!!!!
Εντόπισα μερικά ωραία παιχνιδάκια μέσα στις συμμετοχές του ρωσικού

διαγωνισμού 'Your Game - 4' (http://abzac.retropc.ru/).

Όσα κατάφερα να βγάλω από τη σελίδα με τη βοήθεια του GoogleTranslate μπορείτε να τα διαβάσετε εδώ


Το link για το zip με τα παιχνίδια είναι στο


Μερικά που ξεχώρισα είναι τα

1. Fighter Ace

2. Karlos

3. Braincrash
Horace in the Mystic Woods

Εξαιρετικο παιχνιδακι με ηρωα τον "παλιοφιλο" Horace. Αποτελει remake ενος παιχνιδιου που κυκλοφορησε για τα PSION3 το 1995. Επαιξα καμποσο εχτες. Πολυ καλη προσπαθεια.


Ρε παιδιά τι γίνεται με τον Spectrum? Φτιάχνονται ακόμα παιχνίδια

γι αυτό τον υπολογιστή? Πραγματικά εντυπωσιάστηκα! Τι είναι αυτοί

που τα φτιάχνουν? Απλοί χομπύστες? Σκέφτομαι να πάρω κι εγω!

Συμβαίνει αυτό και με amiga και atari?