Star Wars: Force Unleased


Retromaniax Co-Founder
26 Σεπ 2006
Tρελα physics. :D

[ame=]YouTube - Star Wars: Force Unleashed Webdoc 3

The game will be released on the seventh-generation consoles PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii,[4] PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, second generation N-Gage[1] and the sixth generation console PlayStation 2.
According to Lucasarts, the next generation versions of the game will utilize Pixelux Entertainment's Digital Molecular Matter (DMM) and NaturalMotion Ltd.'s euphoria technology. Digital Molecular Matter (DMM) is a real-time physical simulation technology that causes materials to act in the game world as they would in the real world: wood splinters, glass shatters, and metal dents. Euphoria (gaming software) is a behavioral-simulation engine that gives all characters a nervous system, meaning that their animations are determined in real-time as reactions to stimuli. For example, characters unbalanced on a bridge will try to balance themselves by flailing their arms or attempt to catch the edge as they fall.

The game will be using "Digital Molecular Matter" developed by Pixelux Entertainment for dynamically destructible objects, Havok for rigid body physics, a graphics engine developed by LucasArts in conjunction with Industrial Light & Magic and Euphoria developed by NaturalMotion.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Μολις κατεβηκε το demo απο PSN (στο Live πρεπει να περιμενεις να στο επιτρεψει η M$).

Kαι οπως γραφω στο πρωτο ποστ ,τρελα physics,σπασιμο γυαλιων,troopers πετιουνται απο εδω και απο εκει,μεταλα λυγιζουν,not bad at all.

Και ειναι και "Star wars". :headbang:
Από τα βιντεο μοιάζει σαν god of war!Παραείναι κονσολοπαίχνιδο!

Συνεχίζω να προτιμώ το outcast!
Μετάφραση του τίτλου του thread:

Πόλεμος των Άστρων: Ξενοίκιαστη Δύναμη :D