WoW atari 2600 port......


Retromaniax Co-Founder
26 Σεπ 2006
Requirements: Windows

Two Players (you could rebind the keys and control both players if you really want to, I guess)

2mb of free disk space

At least one Joystick (highly) recommended

(If your computer doesn’t run this, let me know. The reqs should be outlandishly low.)

Download the game for FREE here: Th

e Molten Core


One of those was the announcement of World of Warcraft: The Molten Core, the first WoW release for a console, the Atari 2600. The game is a fabrication no longer — someone's made it.While maybe not up to the spec laid out by Blizz and apparently not playable on a proper Atari 2600 emulator , The Molten Core is playable and visually more authentic than previous attempts to make this joke serious.

The Windows-only download is a mere 2MB and, according to its author, offers about 20 minutes of gameplay. I've yet to walk to the Windows box to try it out myself, so downloaders beware.
The Molten Core
Δεν βλέπω καμμία ιδιαίτερη διαφορά με το κανονικό. :D
Maddog είπε:
Δεν βλέπω καμμία ιδιαίτερη διαφορά με το κανονικό. :D
Μα πώς, αυτό σου τρώει 20' από τη ζωή σου ενώ το άλλο (από όσο έχω δει σε φίλους, γνωστούς συγγενείς κ.λπ.) 20... ζωές!!!