RetroMuseum GateKeepeR
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- 9 Ιαν 2006
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- 1.437 Project-Status (last update 04/29/2008)
People frequently ask us when the game is going to be released. We will use this todo-list to show you the current state of the production. The following things have to be done before the release:
The game is finally finished! (German version)
For almost seven years the Zak2:btas-team has been working on an unofficial sequel to "Zak McKracken – and the Alien Mindbenders". A lot of leisure time and holidays were spent on creating “Zak McKracken – Between Time and Space”, and now we finally completed the game and we are very proud of the result! Itʼs one of the most extensive fan-adventures ever created.
Over 50 high quality backgrounds accompanied by atmospheric music and packed with countless animations and some tough puzzles await you. Combined with an over the top story, professional voice acting and splendid CGI cut-scenes there should be no excuse to miss out on this fantastic experience (some German skills would come in handy though)!
On 2008-04-19 we celebrated, together with 70 loyal fans, the release of Zak McKracken – Between Time and Space in Cologne. A new CGI trailer was shown along with several scenes from the game, we discussed adventure games in general and of course the development of Zak McKracken – Between Time and Space. Two-headed squirrel t-shirts were handed out and of course a professionally designed DVD. The DVD included a booklet with the obligatory newspaper articles, which made everyone reminisce the good old times.
The party ended in the early moring when the last guests left the “Palaver” in Cologne. Some of these guests were of to an early start the next morning to provide the people who could not attend the party with several download mirrors that can be accessed by now. The game is spreading fast, with several thousand downloads (and rising).
We would love to hear your opinion on the finished game. So why donʼt you join our forum to discuss the game or leave us a comment in our guestbook! We are still looking for people who want to help us translate the game, if you are interested be sure to contact us.
Below you will find a link to the torrent and a list of several mirrors where you can download the game. If some of these mirrors are down you can always check the listed forum thread for an updated list.
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