Gaming News [PS3]

  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας Wally
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης
Το sfhd ειναι "beta test" και οχι demo οποτε το 360 θα κανει το πειραματοζωο και οτι προβληματα υπαρξουν θα διορθωθουν και για τις 2 κονσολες.

Απο την στιγμη που χρειαζεται να βγαινουν ανακοινωσεις για να καθησυχαζουν το κοσμο......

"Η στραβα ειναι ο γυαλος η στραβα αρμενιζουμε.":D
Motorstorm 2 teaser σε "Full HD" 1080p ειναι up στο "μαγαζι του Κουταραγκη" (playstation store ντε).

Ωραια πραγματα και exclusive...... :D
Παντως οι χαριτωμενες εξαγγελιες για τριλογια Heavenly Sword στο PS3 ειναι πλεον παρελθον...

H NinjaTheory ξεκιναει νεο τιτλο για 360/PS3...
Το παρακατω εχει γινει confirmed απο την Sony. :thumb:

Killzone 2, Resistance 2 and LittleBigPlanet dated

LBP and Killzone 2 in September with Resistance 2 to follow in November.

According to the latest Sony Computer Entertainment UK release schedule PlayStation 3 gamers will have plenty to keep them occupied this autumn, with three massive titles hitting stores.

Scheduled for release in September are LittleBigPlanet and Killzone 2, with Insomniac Games' launch title sequel, Resistance 2, pencilled in for a November release.

The titles are likely to go up against some heavy hitters from Microsoft, including Gears of War 2, Fable 2 and Banjo.
Τιποτα περα απο οτι ειναι ομορφες στην εμφανιση.

Επισης εχουν κρυμμενα τριγωνακια-τετραγωνακια-κυκλους να βρειτε για να περασετε την ωρα σας.

Ειδατε πως φροντιζει η Sony να διασκεδαζετε. :D


Φροντισε να ανεβασεις φωτο οταν θα περιεχουν και gameplay view...μεχρι τοτε μπορεις να ποσταρεις και τουριστικα αξιοθεατα,αστρονομικες φωτογραφιες,artistic nude(οοουπς!αυτο απαγορευεται!) :D ....το ξερω εχω Δρακουμελιασει επικινδυνα....
Resistance 2 trailer PS3 exclusive.

[ame=]YouTube - Resistance 2 Trailer

Kαι με την ευκαιρια παρτε και αλλα 2 exclusives μιας και τα εχουμε μπολικα.

[ame=]YouTube - Motorstorm 2 Video Trailer Announcement From SCEA

[ame=]YouTube - LittleBigPlanet (Thats Little Big Planet) For the PS3!!

Ειναι και αλλα ,αλλα δεν θελω να βαρυνει η σελιδα. :D
Ερχονται ωραια πραγματα...... :D

Ιn-game XMB,HOME,video download service-καρτες για αυτους που δεν εχουν πιστωτικη.


It doesn't seem like those sony firmware engineers will be a getting a break any time soon. With the PlayStation 3's v2.30 firmware and its DTS-HD upgrades barely settled Sony Senior VP Peter Dille jumped on the official PlayStation blog to let us know what the rest of 2008 has in store. In-game XMB? On the way this year, along with a video service that "separates the service from others you've seen or used (Για το χbox-live λεει :D ) give you the TV, movies and gaming content you want," and expanded community features. Also in store are PlayStation Cards (in $20 and $50 denominations) for the credit card-less among us. The four pillars of Sony's plan (community, free online gaming, digital media download services, and original content) hint towards the reasons we won't let the shiny beast get dusted
Να σου ευχηθω καλα Χριστουγεννα (αλλα παλι αισιοδοξο ακουγεται)
Απαγορεύστε στον Wally να κάνει hijack το παρών thread.

:D :D:D:D
Kojima Dissapointed with MGS4

"Game-wise, it's pretty close to the original vision: you sneak into the battlefield and can choose whether to do a stealth game or interfere with the battle more directly. But the graphic, side things like motion-blending and the size of the map, totally was not accomplished to my original vision - to my satisfaction.''

"When we first showed the game engine at TGS, the staff were really proud and happy. PS3 was a dream machine, y'know, and we were going to work on this and that - and we had so many ideas. But when we actually started developing the game, we realized there were a lot of restrictions and so it turned out how you see it today. The original vision was to go ten steps further, the reality was just one step, which isn't to say we didn't progress.''

''I remember saying three years ago that we wanted to create something revolutionary, but in reality we couldn't really do that because of the CPU. We're using the Cell engine to its limit., actually. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing the PS3 machine, it's just that we weren't really aware of what the full-spec PS3 offered - we were creating something we couldn't entirely see.''

Και το πανηγύρι στο neogaf μόλις άρχισε.... :)
Σπευδω να συμβαλλω και εγω :D

Τι έγινε έπεσε το Insomnia?
Θα σου στειλω με PM,ποια gaming forums αξιζει να επισκεπτεσαι ωστε να ξεφυγεις απο τη καζουαλιτιδα...μπουαχαχαχα
Ο Κοjima ειναι γνωστος βαρεμενος με την τελειοτητα,ηθελε να κανει το παιχνιδι σαν αληθινη ταινια και δεν του βγηκε.

Φημες λενε οτι πριν την συνεντευξη τον παρατησε και η γυναικα του...... :D
PS3 video service to use open standards

Σε αντιθεση με τα drm και την λογικη του "οτι μπαινει στον σκληρο μενει μεσα και δεν παει πουθενα" του 360 μαλλον η online service της Σονυ θα ειναι open standard,θα το κατεβαζεις και θα το βλεπεις σε διαφορα συμβατα μηχανηματα.

Οπως pc και psp. :xm:

BioShock PlayStation 3 port this September.

BioShock PlayStation 3 port.

BioShock PlayStation 3 port could arrive this September, reports NeoGAF user "SuperSonic1305" upon scavenging the June issue of EGM. The revived rumor suggests the port will include the extra DLC content and sport upgraded visuals.
Μοtorstorm 2 'Pacific Rift'

Aργει πολυ; :D

Battered and muddy cars rumble through the rich green environment in the in-engine shots, showing off just how improved the visuals will be in the sequel to the PS3's racing rumble.
The wooden towers (destructible, if the trailer's anything to go by), water pits and trees scattered all over the place should spell chaos for the racers off course.
Now called Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, the entire game takes place on a tropical island, complete with waterfalls, volcanoes, and vegetation that will hinder smaller vehicles while the large ones crush it beneath their wheels. The game will double the number of tracks from the first game, bringing the number to a much more respectable 16. You'll be able to drive through streams to cool your engine, adding a bit of strategy to the mix, while the addition of monster trucks to the franchise will certainly cause problems for those who prefer the lightweight, crushable motorbikes. On the multiplayer side of things, the game will support split screen multiplayer as well as 16-player online races. See the nifty things you can accomplish when your game isn't rushed out the door?
Eδω οι φωτο

New Motorstorm 2 screens [CVG]

LIVE: EU PlayStation Day dawns [GameSpot]




Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Back in 2005 again...δεν βαρέθηκες;

btw ανέβηκε στο PSN το demo του "πολυαναμενόμενου" Haze...μάντεψε...1024x576 no AA
Χμμμ,το port του Bioshock θα είμαι μια ενδιαφέρουσα περίπτωση σύγκρισης με την PC έκδοση....