Dear friends,
I am here with this topic because I would like to share with you some images taken from the net that are concerning the "surprises" and the prizes that Italian people could find in the 80's decade when buying the biscuits and the snacks of the "Mulino Bianco" Barilla... a friend of mine who is external to this forum but is Greek and lives in Heraklion said to me that also in his island and in Greece the Mulino Bianco products were and are still known, so I have thought that a short collection would have been appreciated also by everybody of you, my precious Greek friends !!!!!
So, let's start...
Woaaa !!! How many surprises are there ????
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You can put and preserve everything here !!!!
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My mother said to me: hey, these are made of rubber, they are not to be eaten... haha !!!!
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A stylish radio receiver with the shape of the "Mulino Bianco" made by GBC Electronics...
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The clock...
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Other surprises...
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The "Soldini", a snack that nowadays is not produced, but in the 80's decade was very sold and really tasty !!!!
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A jump forward in the 90's... this was a line of really tasty and very good chocolate cookies that Mulino Bianco doesn't produce anymore... nobody has understood why... they were really good... they melt into the milk as a joy !!!!

That's all folks !!!!!
I am here with this topic because I would like to share with you some images taken from the net that are concerning the "surprises" and the prizes that Italian people could find in the 80's decade when buying the biscuits and the snacks of the "Mulino Bianco" Barilla... a friend of mine who is external to this forum but is Greek and lives in Heraklion said to me that also in his island and in Greece the Mulino Bianco products were and are still known, so I have thought that a short collection would have been appreciated also by everybody of you, my precious Greek friends !!!!!

So, let's start...
Woaaa !!! How many surprises are there ????
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You can put and preserve everything here !!!!
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My mother said to me: hey, these are made of rubber, they are not to be eaten... haha !!!!
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A stylish radio receiver with the shape of the "Mulino Bianco" made by GBC Electronics...
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The clock...
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Other surprises...
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The "Soldini", a snack that nowadays is not produced, but in the 80's decade was very sold and really tasty !!!!
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A jump forward in the 90's... this was a line of really tasty and very good chocolate cookies that Mulino Bianco doesn't produce anymore... nobody has understood why... they were really good... they melt into the milk as a joy !!!!

That's all folks !!!!!

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