My name is Alan Wake. I'm a writer

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Retired Admin
19 Ιαν 2006
Επερχομενη παιχνιδαρα απο τους δημιουργους του Max Payne

Ουσιαστικα DX10 tour de force...

The demonstration took the form of a tech demo, showcasing engine features such as day/night cycle, volumetric light, weather and physics. It was revealed that the game engine is multi-threaded and able to make full use of all four cores, with separate threads for physics, graphics & sound processing and seamless streaming of world data. It is therefore likely that the Xbox 360 version will also require the Xenon CPU's three cores which have a total of six threads.

It was also claimed that the game is unlikely to run on single-core systems, but hyper-threading enabled Pentium 4 CPUs may be able to run it with significantly reduced detail.
Alan Wake May Outstrip Crysis Next Year

Can the graphics of Alan Wake(PC/360) set a new standard in gaming?

The action adventure Alan Wake from the House of Remedy could provide these insane levels of reality, if it appears next year, not only with regard to visuals but gameplay techniques as well.

The approximately year old screenshots published from this action adventure makes games released during the year pale in comparison. Remedy has all the technology in their hands since it is not working with a licensed engine, but an in-house engine that provides them with all the flexibility they want. We are excited! What about you?

If Alan Wake already looks better than Crysis then the 360 actually powerful enough to pull off Crysis with minimal hitches, if the devs get their coding right that is.
Δεν μπορώ να περιμένω!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Μάλλον ο Alan πίνει καφέ παρέα με τον Duke Nuk'em Forever ...

Τρελο trailer,τρελα screenshots...ΕΥΓΕ Remedy!

:animeek: :animeek: :animeek: :animeek:

EYE CANDY! Και με τρέλα φωτισμό! Can't wait... :dribble:
Παρτε το και σε youtube(εστω και κακης ποιοτητας)

[ame=]Alan Wake

Δεν μπορω να περιμενω...
Νεο Leak απο 360 build (ισως απο κανα beta tester που απολυθηκε? :) )

[ame=]YouTube - Leaked Alan Wake footage

Σε λιγο θα ανεβασει και 3d person clip (αρα λογικα θα εχεις επιλογη 1st/3d)
Παει για 2 χρονια η ιστορια......
.....και αν θα βγει ποτέ, μάλλον θα είναι μεγάλη απογοήτευση!
Θα βγει ρε γρουσουζηδες :) και τεχνικα θα ειναι συγκρισιμο με Crysis τουλαχιστον
......κάτι λέγαμε και για άλλο ένα παιχνίδι. Ελληνικό ήταν. Να δεις πως το λέγανε. Και πάλι θα έκανε την επανάσταση.......

Μπα, σε μια αμιγώς καταναλωτική κοινωνία, ότι είναι να βγει, θα βγει γρήγορα. Διαφορετικά....... (/pooky casts groysoyzia spell..... )
Εντυπωσιακό !!!

Το περιμένω,μια και έχει ομολογουμένως δημιουργήσει προσδοκίες...
Παιδια παιζει να ειναι fake... :(
Δε πειράζει,εμείς το "real thing",το θέλουμε έτσι κι αλλιώς ! :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Δε βλέπω να λέει PC πουθενά όμως....!
manos426f είπε:
Δε βλέπω να λέει PC πουθενά όμως....!
Rockstar Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), is proud to announce that Max Payne 3 is currently in development and scheduled for a winter 2009 release on the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system and PC.
Η ανακοίνωση της Take-Two Interactive
Mα,λέω κι εγώ.....!

Να βγει στο rip-off κι όχι στο real thing,θα παραήταν περίεργο.... :D