Online JavaCPC Emulator [New Version]

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The CMS like site is great, but the internet line at my work sucks! :mad:
I completely changed the website to PHP.

You can now hotlink to previewed games...


Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
As usual awesome job Markus. Also the emulator has COPY-PASTE feature called Autotype.. So we can copy code into emulator and run it without typing!
AA+ είπε:
As usual awesome job Markus. Also the emulator has COPY-PASTE feature called Autotype.. So we can copy code into emulator and run it without typing!
Που είναι αυτό (Autotype); Δεν μπορώ να το βρω...
Some functions for the emulator:

- ^ or ~ Key: Opens java-console

- Double Click with right mouse-button: Opens Autotype console

- Double Click with left mouse-button: Loads an autoload-snapshot

- Double Click with middle mouse-button: Opens debugger

- Num-Pad "+" Key: Save the actual DSK in drive A to your harddisk

- F11: Resets emulation

- Windows-Key: Shows about-logo

- Insert: You can open your own snapshot / dsk

- Del: Remove DSK from drive

- Home: Change roms (Not useful, if you use web-applet)

- Page Up: Select between green and grey monitor

- Page Down: Select between Colour monitor and enhanced 32 Inks-mode ("normal CPC inks" + 27-31 Inks: 4 grey tones + 1 blue tone)

- Scroll lock: If you use your own DSK you can toggle autosave on / off (default should be off, stored to javacpc.ini)

Now something about "javacpc.ini":

Surely you found a file called "javacpc.ini" on your desktop, or, if you use Mozilla Firefox, in C:\program files\mozilla firefox\....

This is a needed config file for the emulator.

It does not harm your PC or harddisk. It only stores some informations for emulator settings.

If something goes bad (no sound, bad colours, or something other strange with the emulation),

simply delete this file.

Now that should be enough... I added a "Try Emulator" link to my website.

This opens a clean emulator, which is using the settings from javacpc.ini.

I also changed the style today... I hope you like it...


I changed the java-policy, because some guys had trouble.


Example for signature (german)

Please accept this ;)
Congratulations Markus, specifically for the COPY-PASTE feature. Please, try to change the characters in MODE 2, they are not look well...

You're great!!!
zoro είπε:
Please, try to change the characters in MODE 2, they are not look well...
I extra used "simple GateArray emulation" because the emulator works faster with simple emulation...

But for "Try Emulator" I coded an option to emulate double GateArray...

(please don't use "Double Size" and "Full GateArray" together.... Because you will get a really "huge" screen)

(EDIT): If the screen stays black after changing "Full GateArray", please select an other System... Then change back to your desired system...
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Devilmarkus είπε:
I extra used "simple GateArray emulation" because the emulator works faster with simple emulation...But for "Try Emulator" I coded an option to emulate double GateArray...

(please don't use "Double Size" and "Full GateArray" together.... Because you will get a really "huge" screen)

(EDIT): If the screen stays black after changing "Full GateArray", please select an other System... Then change back to your desired system...
O.K. Marcus

Now the screen in MODE 2 is clear!!
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Today I added a "quick navigation" to the left side...

This should make things easier to find ;)

I will also stock the games as soon as possible...

So I added "Games -#-" and splitted "Games -W-Z-" to "W-X" and "Y-Z"

Please welcome back to my website to play all those games :D


Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
AA+ είπε:
Ωχ είναι τέλειο! είναι και αληθινό όμως;;; Οντως τρέχει σε πραγματικό amstrad? 8)
Noooo!!! It's only a fake :D :D:D:D:D:D

It's a gif-image with a flash-movie ;)

I never saw a demo like this running on an Amstrad :darkglasses:

Also, JavaCPC cannot handle CPC+ routines... I only setup the ROMs ;)

But I changed the emu today. It has a new debugger (double click with MIDDLE mousebutton in the applet)

In the new debugger you can save now disassembled and binary code (mark area, then right-click to save)


Today I changed the "emulator" site to PHP, too.

So, I can faster include more new games...

P.E.: If you want to play "Arachnophobia", the link will look like this:

The "emulator.php" also detects now, if more than 1 DSK is used. If a game has 2 or more DSK, the page will add small icons for each DSK. You simply click on the needed to change disk.

(The "old" games I will not change, they will be kept in singular html sites, but the new ones will all using this new "emulator.php"...)


Good choice Devilmarkus..congrats for the ever evolving excellent work (the internet community really needs more ppl like you). I believe you made just right choice with php. Immense flexibility.
New games on my website:

  • Combat School
    Fruity Frank
    Turrican 2
    Times Of Lore
    Addams Family
    Rambo III
    Teenage Queen
    Way Of The Exploding Fist
    Knight Force
    Knight Tyme
    War Machine
    Footballer Of The Year

Much fun while playing!
