There was an error in the scripts...Rygar είπε:The CMS like site is great, but the internet line at my work sucks!
Που είναι αυτό (Autotype); Δεν μπορώ να το βρω...AA+ είπε:As usual awesome job Markus. Also the emulator has COPY-PASTE feature called Autotype.. So we can copy code into emulator and run it without typing!
O.K. Το βρήκαzoro είπε:Που είναι αυτό (Autotype); Δεν μπορώ να το βρω...
I extra used "simple GateArray emulation" because the emulator works faster with simple emulation...zoro είπε:Please, try to change the characters in MODE 2, they are not look well...
O.K. MarcusDevilmarkus είπε:I extra used "simple GateArray emulation" because the emulator works faster with simple emulation...But for "Try Emulator" I coded an option to emulate double GateArray...
(please don't use "Double Size" and "Full GateArray" together.... Because you will get a really "huge" screen)
(EDIT): If the screen stays black after changing "Full GateArray", please select an other System... Then change back to your desired system...
ASiC είπε:
Noooo!!! It's only a fakeAA+ είπε:Ωχ είναι τέλειο! είναι και αληθινό όμως;;; Οντως τρέχει σε πραγματικό amstrad? 8)