:tease: :tease: :tease: CPC Version is really the worst conversion .... :tease: :tease: :tease:
, I decided to keep only the best.
This title screen made me dream in 1988, I would have liked the game to be like this. I will try to do ......
I started the program in July 2012, I think I have for months, if I get to the end!!
29/10: added speed HI / LO (with shift) and first transitions between turns and landscapes
07/09: Creation of the secondary road and posted a BETA playable version (keys: arrows, input esc)
01/08 addition of the second palm tree and improved scrolling of the road
23/07: Adding the first palm tree in roadside
/ 15 07: tests of several roads: narrow, wide and duplication of management
July 9, 2012 : Initial testing of game engine
Autotranslated French - English by Google