Retromaniax Co-Founder
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Retro-futurism ειναι οι προβλεψεις του μελλοντος φτιαγμενες στο παρελθον οι πως φανταζοντουσαν οι ανθρωποι του τοτε το σημερα.
Φιλμ-περιοδικα-αρθρα επιστημονικα-αστοχες προβλεψεις απο βαρεμενους ολα παιζουν.
Ξεκιναμε με ενα αρθρο απο το βιβλιο του Τomorrow's Home 1981 Neil Ardley.
Ενδιαφερον το κομματι που λεει (απο το 1981)
Aκολουθει το πληρες αρθρο.
Απο το ιδιο βιβλιο και την ιδια χρονια μας ερχεται και το "Home entertainment" του μελλοντος.
Aκολουθει πληρες αρθρο
Φιλμ-περιοδικα-αρθρα επιστημονικα-αστοχες προβλεψεις απο βαρεμενους ολα παιζουν.
Ξεκιναμε με ενα αρθρο απο το βιβλιο του Τomorrow's Home 1981 Neil Ardley.

Ενδιαφερον το κομματι που λεει (απο το 1981)
Σας θυμιζει τιποτα. :xm:You ask the computer to contact several friends, and they begin to appear on the screen. Soon you're linked into a worldwide group of people, all of whom can talk to and see each other. After chatting for a while, you decide to play some games together
Aκολουθει το πληρες αρθρο.
Your day in the future continues. It's not a school day, so you can do whatever you like. However, it's raining, so you can't play outside. Although scientists can now control the weather, this is done only in certain places to produce artificial climates that aid farming. Your home is not one of these places.
Even though everyone is busy and you're stuck at home on your own, you're still going to have an exciting and interesting day. After breakfast, you rush on to the living room. It has chairs and other furniture in new designs as well as some antiques like a twentieth-century digital clock and a push-button telephone. However, the room is dominated by a large viewscreen linked to the home computer.
You ask the computer to contact several friends, and they begin to appear on the screen.
Soon you're linked into a worldwide group of people, all of whom can talk to and see each other. After chatting for a while, you decide to play some games together. As you can't agree on what to play, the computer makes up your minds for you. It gives you puzzles to do and devises quizzes, as well as all kinds of electronic games. The computer keeps the scores as you play against one another, and then it gives you games in which you all play the computer. You carry on until someone loses interest and tries to cheat for fun. The computer finds out and everyone laughs. Then it's time to break up the party and have lunch.
After lunch you decide to spend some time on your own at a hobby or craft you particularly enjoy. Making things of all kinds is easy with the computer. You design them on the screen of the terminal in your playroom, and then the computer operates a machine that constructs the objects in materials such as plastics. This system is very good for making your own clothes. You can dress up in all kinds of fantastic garments that you design yourself. To avoid waste, the objects and clothes can be fed back into the machine and the materials recycled or used again.
Απο το ιδιο βιβλιο και την ιδια χρονια μας ερχεται και το "Home entertainment" του μελλοντος.

Aκολουθει πληρες αρθρο
Look at this play of the future - a performance of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar by famous actors in your very own living room! Even more amazing, you play the title role yourself. The play has just reached the point where Caesar is killed.
All this could come about with developments in holographic video - a system that uses laser beams to produce images that have depth just as in real life. Once perfected, it will produce a show that takes place not on a screen but in real space - even around you. You could walk in and out of the action, and view it from any direction - the ultimate in realism. In this case, the computer that operates the system has been instructed to omit the role of Julius Caesar so as to allow you to take part. Although the images look so real, you could walk through them, so you suffer no harm from your killers' knives.
Such developments may lie far in the future, but there's no doubt that the computer is going to affect home entertainment soon. The magazines, books, records, tapes and television sets we now have will begin to disappear. But in their place the computer will offer us a greater range of entertainment.
The home computer will be linked to a radio dish on your roof. A satellite or radio mast feeds it with many television channels; on the viewscreen of the computer, you can sit and watch the news or sport in several other countries as well as your own. The radio dish or telephone wires also link your home to computer complexes that feed it with all kinds of recorded entertainment - films, television shows you have missed, video magazines and news. Music comes through the computer too, playing whatever you want and whenever with a quality far beyond today's records and tapes. If you want to read something on your own, a portable screen linked to the computer displays any story of your choice.