I've been spending some time recreating Pyjamarama using Mono (C#) on the PC.Why?
1. I started pulling apart the original Z80 and published the
2. I got thinking about a version that people could edit and change.
3. I started putting something together using C# for a personal challenge.
4. I'm aiming for an engine that would allow everything to be customised with XML and even with your additional own code.
This is a first draft I'm calling Pyjamarama# (The Port). If you try it you will see
it really is a literal port onto the PC, it uses PNG versions of the original graphics,
has basic sound and only runs in a small window. Being in C#/Mono and only using the basic resources it is highly portable. I've tried it out on Windows 10 and Mint Linux (running Cinnamon).
So I'm looking for peeps of interest who'd like to have a go and play this version.
It can be downloaded