ονειρο απατηλοAardvark είπε:Ναι συμφωνω ,απιστευτο για τον Spectrum,για τα αλλα Homes...
Nemo είπε:Προβολή συνημμένου 115675
Προβολή συνημμένου 115676
THE LEGEND OF TRAXTOR : To conversion σε Spectrum 48k της συμμετοχης στην #gbjam 3(The Legend of Traxtor) του JUAN J. MARTΙNEZ
Οfficial page & Direct d/load link του THE LEGEND OF TRAXTOR
http://www.worldofspectrum.org/forums/profile/3733/Einar SaukasPIXEL QUEST is a ZX-Spectrum version of picross (also known as nonogram) that plays tribute to several classic ZX-Spectrum titles!
* Solve each puzzle to gradually reveal heroes and other famous pixel images from your favorite Speccy games!
* Complete gameplay freedom: solve puzzles in whatever order you want, using whatever control method you can imagine!
* Play to collect classic pixel art in a virtual gallery!
* Featuring amazing soundtrack by top composer MmcM!
* Featuring awesome loading screen by top artist Craig Stevenson!
* Very addictive gameplay!
* Full source code available!
The Dark : το First-person shooter που αρχικά είχε γίνει διαθέσιμο το 1997 γίνεται rerelease από τον δημιουργό toy Oleg Origin με βελτιώσεις/προσθήκες (όπως προσθήκη speech ) e.t.c.Many years ago the army of dark forces has crossed the border of the Land of Winds.
Most of the population have been killed, others have escaped to northern lands.
Among them there was a girl named Jane. Soon she gave birth to a son, Alexander.
Jane told him the sad story. And when he became an adult, he went to the native land to free his country.
......... :Wally είπε:Ο Spectrum δινει αγαπη![]()