XBOX1 Emulators News

  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας Wally
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης
Theoritike.. σε βρισκω χωρις ελληνικο δαιμονιο!

Ισως να πρεπει να καταφυγεις σε καμια τετοια πατεντα!

Check this out:

Σκεπτεσαι να κανεις ενα συνδυασμο απο τα δυο αυτα προιοντα? Μπορει και να δουλεψει ε? Και τραβας και τα αντιστοιχα καλωδια (αν δεν βρεις male adaptor PS2/PS2 - και αν δεν θελεις να ξηλωσεις δυο PS2 cable extentions ωστε να παρεις τα male adaptors και να τα ενωσεις) και φανταζομαι οτι μπορει και να παιζει σωστα! A, και ενα αντιστοιχισμο στα pins του SNES pad εφοσον το καλωδιο αυτο δεν εχει Female υποδοχη για το joypad.

Ξερω πονοκεφαλος, αλλα who cares.. η δουλεια σου να γινεται!

Ναι, είναι λίγο πονοκέφαλος η διαδικασία και δεν ξέρω αν θα δουλέψει.

Θα πρέπει να μας πει ο wally, σαν ειδήμων στο xbox, αν κάτι τέτοιο δουλεύει.

Thanks πάντως για το tip! Δεν ήξερα ότι υπάρχει adaptor snes to ps2 !
ZsnexBox v3.4

What's new/fixed:* Added Video preview support. Video previews must be in xmv format. A tutorial is included.

* Added a force feedback database. Thanks to giles9999 who made many of these.

* Added the ability to flip the screen horizontally

* Added an image viewer

* The classic song is remembered when ZsnexBox is restarted.

* Fixed Game Genie database adjust crash

* Fixed a bug that caused a crash when a preview was loaded with low memory

* Added a new help system. This includes Controls, Features, Release Notes, and Frequently Asked Questions.

* Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when changing skins

* Updated to version 0.52 of blargg's library

* Fixed a bug where the GUI and Japanese box art couldn't be resized until after a game had been started

* ROM browser text adjust fix

* Animated ROM browser character does not reset when moved

* Fixed a bug that caused some PAR codes from the PAR database to be incorrectly copied.
AmigaSYS 4 - Xbox version released!

With a bit of delay, but finally arrived the AmigaSYS 4 - Xbox version.
The Xbox version is based fully on the AGA version, with several updates, news, and a whole new outfit, with some new Xbox extra.

In the AmigaSYS 4 series, the following version is the XBOX, and because of this, we used the new stuffs there first, for example the totally redesigned installers, (the 2 disked install (can be installed without disk swapping) ), even better program configurations, better compatibility and better handle.

Now, the language support increased from 5 to 6, the french language support is finally done, wich is implemented into the XBOX version first...

more infos, pictures:
Παιζει μια χαρα με WinUAEX v16 (δεν δοκιμασα με 17)

Εχει και πολυ αναλυτικο οδηγο εγκαταστασης
ΩΡΑΙΟΣ O o wally κανα νεο για το n64 ??
Φοβαμαι οτι πρεπει να το παρουμε αποφαση οτι η αναπτυξη στο N64 emulation τοσο στο PC οσο και στο ΧΒΟΧ εχει πεθανει... :(
κριμα ...Τοσο δυσκολο ειναι πια!! οι χαθηκαν τα ατομα που πραγματικα ασχολιοντουσαν με το emulation
Κυκλοφορησε η τελικη CoinOPS IGNITE.

Για οσους δεν ξερουν τι ειναι,ειναι ουσιαστικα ενα MAME για το ΧΒΟΧ βασισμενο στο παλαιοτερο ΜΑΜΕΟΧ εμπλουτισμενο με πιο φρεσκους drivers παιχνιδιων.

Περιεχει 1000 διαλεγμενα παιχνιδια (τα οποια τρεχουν και απροβληματιστα), εχουν κρυμμενα τα advanced options ωστε να μην χανεται ο νεος χρηστης και το cool feature ειναι οτι η απεικονιση ειναι στα 720p (θα χρειαστειτε καλωδιο component ή VGA)

Παρακατω τα εξηγουν λεπτομερεστατα

Welcome to HD !!!

Coinops Ignite will allow you to play your arcade games in 720p and enjoy a new experience.

This emu has been thought to be useful and simple to use for everyone.

The standalone release contains a prefered 1000 games list, chosen from 2500 working games.

All the recommended games have been tested and configurated (normal settings, normal coinage).

Note: Because of the 1000 recommended games it will not fit on a DVD-r.. but the end user can

remove any game he or she wants to make it fit to a DVD-r.

CoinOPS IGNITE features:

- HD Mode 720p

- Clean Interface with large previews and information overlay

- Autofire: Semi-auto and Full auto allowing charge (one click ingame)

- Vertical Games Rotation 90° for horizontal gameplay (rotated keys)

- 90° rotation for Tate monitors (everything rotated except Skin)

- Widescreen functions (extended aspect ratio for rotated and horizontal games)

First use WARNING !!!

Place the content of the Save folder in E:TDATA and E:UDATA.

The save is called babe2009. (If you want to keep your settings and rom folders paths from a previous IGNITE beta just place your configurated mameox.ini in e:tdatababe2009system)

After a first launch, use the "Scan All Your Games" Function to be able to sort by genre.

Using the Features.

CoinOpS is easy to use and protected. You can lock a lot of options if you're afraid of new users.

- When the advanced settings are hidden then you hide too:

adding or removing the time played games stats,

adding or removing the roms

refreshing the games infos

the default gamepad remapping

the ingame settings (keys & dip switches) : Only the CHEATS will be shown

In the basic settings page you'll find interface options, rotation 90° and autofire options.

- Allowing the advanced settings opens the pandora's box.

here you choose the video mode, the widescreen features, the sound quality,

the vm settings, the Tate monitor, the button for autofire.

Here you can also unlock the keys remapping for ingame functions (gamepad defaults) Pressing the 2 thumbs will enter the hidden path selection settings. (if you have defined a new rom folder then use the "Scan All Your Games Function")


Ingame autofire: Left thumb=Semiauto (press FIRE key to shoot but no charge)

Right thumb=Full Auto (fires without pressing, press when you want to charge weapon)

BACK disables the autofire

Detailed BUTTONS and FEATURE (can be read in CoinOPS IGNITE main menu)

----------------------- IN GAME CONTROLS ----------------------------

BACK - Insert Credit

START - Play Game

BACK and START - Go back to GAME Selection

A - Button 1 ( Normally Fire )

B - Button 2 ( Normally Jump )

X - Button 3

Y - Button 4

Left Trigger - Rotate Gun or Brake

Right Trigger - Rotate Gun or Accelerate

BACK and WHITE - Pause Game and Remap Keys or Cheat

Left Thumb Button - Enable Semi-Automatic fire

Right Thumb Button - Enable Autofire ( Pressing fire can charge your weapons )

BACK - Quickly Disable Autofire

----------------------- GAME SELECTION CONTROLS ----------------------

WHITE - Favorite / Average GAME switch ( Favorite game shows as GOLD colour )

BLACK - All / Favorite GAMES switch ( Shows all GAMES or GOLD Games )

Gamepad Left - Jump up for fast finding a GAME

Gamepad Right - Jump down for fast finding a GAME

BACK - This will change sort method By NAME, By YEAR, By MOST PLAYED.......

X - Sort by Name

Y - Sort by Type

B - Sort by Manufacturer

Left or Right Thumb Button - Sort by Times Played ( Jump to Most Played )

----------------------- ADVANCED IN GAME CONTROLS --------------------

BACK and WHITE - Pause Game and Remap Keys or Cheat

BACK and BLACK - Show Framerate And Free Memory

BACK and Left Trigger and Right Trigger - Restart Game

BACK and Right Thumb Button - Onscreen Display

BACK and Right Trigger and Right Thumb Button - Load Game ( Buggy )

BACK and Left Trigger and Right Thumb Button - Save Game ( Buggy )

BACK and Left Thumb Button - Lightgun Crosshair Display

BACK and A and B - Take In Game Snapshot

----------------------- GAME SELECTION COLORS ---------------------------

Colorise Your Game Selection must be ENABLED

WHITE - Stardard Game

GOLD - Set to Favorite

DARK GREEN - All Time Classic Game


BLUE - Game doesnt have sound

RED - Lightgun supported Game

--------------------- Tips & Tricks ----------------------------------------------

"Gamepad Defaults Can Be Remapped" Enabled in settings allows to remap some ingame functions. This will be important for advanced users.


Throttle disabling is useful for games running at 57fps, 59fps, 58fps(cave), 61fps (namco).

Enter the ingame menu, "remap gamepad", and map one or several keys as THROTTLE.

(You can map your THROTTLE as back+X+B )

Example: If you think Dodonpachi (58 fps) isn't that smooth,

call the THROTTLE function by pressing the keys remapped. THROTTLE will be disabled

(because enabled by default) This will force the game to run at 60 fps (60/58 fps): a small speedup but a smoother animation.

Throttle can also be used for 55 fps games (Midnight Resistance...) but the sound can glitch a bit (speedup).

Some older 61 fps Namco games are smooth with THROTTLE disabled and Frameskip 0 (Rolling thunder 1,2...)

If you want to know what the original framerate is for the games, press BACK+BLACK (default setting)


This can be very useful for some games with slowdowns. To call the function press BACK+RIGHT THUMB, (the sound volume setting appears) Go up or down a few times and check the CPU0, CPU1... overclock settings.

Examples (for 480p)

-BioMechanical toys has small slowdowns, Set the CPU0 to 125% = smooth animation.

-Double Dragon (original beat'em up) runs slowly: set the CPU0 and CPU1 to 150% = nice speed.

Don't overclock the games that can't reach their original framerate (ex: 52/60 fps, 36/57 fps), the emu will be slower. Overclock only the games running at full framerate ! Biomechanical toys runs at 60/60 fps and

Double Dragon runs at 57/57 fps, so the values for CPU can have a higher setting.

We can also decrease the values: -To get a better anim in Darius Gaiden (or some other Taito), keep CPU0 at 100%, and set the CPU1 (sound CPU) to 50%.


A member wanted a config for CPS2 games (some Capcom games use LPunch+MPunch+HPunch, same for Kicks) If for example LPunch=LTrigger, MPunch=X, HPunch=Y and you want a shortcut for furies on WHITE BUTTON then "remap the game" this way:

P1 Button 1 = J1_LTrigger or J1_White

P1 Button 2 = J1_X or J1_White

P1 Button 3 = J1_Y or J1_White

Pressing White will call the 3 Punch Buttons !


Sometimes it's boring to wait for a long time when a game is launched: memory tests, rom/ram tests, etc...

I personally use a fast forward function: just change the frameskip ingame. My default Frameskip is AUTO.

I have remapped Frameskip Dec as L_Trigger R_Trigger X (FS decrease: Auto - 11 - 10 - 9 ... 3 - 2 - 1 - 0 - Auto ...) and Frameskip Inc as L_Trigger R_trigger Y (FS increase: Auto - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 ... 9 - 10 - 11 - Auto ...)

When a game is just launched I Press LTrigger+RTrigger+X to run the game very fast (Frameskip 11).

To return to Frameskip Auto (normal speed) when the arcade tests are finished I Press LTrigger+RTrigger+Y. This way I don't wait for the long rom/ram tests.

(Just press the keys one time, or you can get lost as the Frameskip value isn't shown anymore ingame).


Some players like to have a Freeplay (no coin) or an easy setting for the games, but no DIP switches ?

All the games have a service mode NEOGEO, CPS1, CPS2, SEGA, MIDWAY, CAVE, NAMCO. Remapping function in "Remap This Game" will help.

NEOGEO: Just remap the TEST SWITCH with the keys you want, and press thoses keys ingame: entering service mode.

CPS1 & CPS2: Just remap the SERVICE MODE for the same results.

SEGA 32: (outrunner, Golden Axe2, Arabian Fight, Spiderman...) Remap the SERVICE MODE and the SERVICE 1: SERVICE MODE will enter the settings and valid a choice SERVICE 1 will allow to switch between the different options.

MIDWAY: Remap the TEST (or use the option: ingame menu/game settings/Test Switch ON/OFF).

NAMCO: Remap the SERVICE MODE (or use the option similar to Midway's).

CAVE: (Esprade, DoDonpachi) Remap the SERVICE MODE and press the keys during 2 or 3 seconds.

Be careful ! Sometimes with some manufacturers you must reset the game (LTrigger+RTrigger+BACK) after you pressed the service keys to be able to enter the arcade settings ! ! !

PS: it's unfortunate but set the biggest schumps to EASY to get less bullets on screen and limit the slowdowns


it's really better to set a low quality sound for old games with fm sound, as it could irritate in CD quality.

... depending on one's appreciation, and what is used at home for listening.


Playing a lightgun game like Lethal Enforcers 2 with the pad can be hard because we must reload by shooting outside the screen. For this kind of games, enter the cheat menu and available the unlimited ammo setting.

Same for Underfire. The crosshair isn't shown ingame but it's playable with unlimited ammo

as we can see where we've just shot.

Disable the Crosshair (BACK+LEFT THUMB) will help in Beast Busters.

MULTI SCREENS GAMES (Darius 1, Darius 2, The Ninjawarriors, Warrior Blade)

Disable the Widescreen setting for horizontal Games, and the games will play at fullscreen. 16/9 users will get the best results. Purists can also set a special "screensize adjustment" to get a suitable aspect ratio.


Entering gun calibration on Namco games and a few others requires pressing Service/Test + Service 1 together. Advancing each calibration stage with service 1 button till finished.
Final Burn 1.0

Ο παρον emulator μας δινει την δυνατοτητα να παιζουμε τα

After Burner

After Burner 2

Galaxy Force 2

Galaxy Force 2 Japan

Power Drift

Power Drift Japan

Rail Chase

Thunder Blade Japan

στα 60fps @720p με software και hardware φιλτρα

The ROMs should be named: (This zip must contain the files from +
Στα γνωστα μερη...
μια ερωτηση γραφεις οτι για το CoinOPS IGNITE θα χρειαστουμε component

αυτο για να αποδοσει σε 720p? ή ετσι κι αλλιως το θελουμε γιατι δεν θα παιζουν

με το composite?

Λοιπόν αφού κι εγώ μπήκα πρόσφατα στη συμμορία, έχουμε και λέμε :

Updated : 29/6/2010

Z26X - Atari 2600 Emulator for XBox v7

Atari7800x Atari 7800 Emulator port for XBox v6

X68000X X68000 Emulator port for XBox v5

WinSTonX Atari ST Emulator port for XBox v9

VirtualBoyX - Virtual Boy Emulator for XBox v3

VicePETX Commodore PET Emulator port for XBox v5

Vice20X Commodore VIC-20 Emulator port for XBox v6

Vice64X Commodore 64 Emulator port for XBox v9

SNES9XBox Super Nintendo Emulator for XBox v2

Updated : 31/5/2010

ZsnexBox 3.7

Updated : 8/6/2010

Surreal64 XXX CE B5.4

και τέλος για τους λάτρεις των arcades, αναβαθμίζεται η σειρά των Coinops, με κυκλοφορία του Coinops Showroom X Lite, ενώ αναμένεται και η Coinops Showroom X Full
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Coinops Showroom X ;;; τί νέο έχει αυτή η έκδοση ξέρουμε;
Δεν ξέρω τι νέο έχει, πάντως για μενα ειναι ΣΟΥΠΕΡ!!!! ;)
Δυστυχως επι τω πλειστω τα νεα releases ειναι αυτο που θεωρω "τσιρκο".

Για να γινω πιο κατανοητος...

Δεν εχουν πειραξει σχεδον καθολου το core του emulation, απλα αναλωθηκαν σε ενσωματωση του artwork περα απο τα υπαρχοντα screenshots (history!!, movies!!!!! ελεος!)

To αποτελεσμα ειναι λιγοτερη διαθεσιμη μνημη (αφου και στο deallocate κατι θα μενει), απειρα artwork packs, τσακωμοι στο "scene" και στασιμοτητα στο xbox1 emulation.

Φωτεινες εξαιρεσεις τα:

NestopiaX 1.0 (δεν θα υπαρξει αλλη εκδοση) που με τις παλλετες, τα φιλτρα, το 10*11 και τον κωδικα απο το οριτζιναλε Nestopia το κανει με διαφορα το καλυτερο NES emulator στο XBOX1.

FBA Legends που πραγματικα εκτoξευει τον αριθμο των υποστηριζομενων παιχνιδιων σε σχεση με το FBA XXX.

Surreal64 XXX CE B5.4 το οποιο ενσωματωνει πολλες cores απο τους 3 N64 emulators Με τα φρεσκα plugins και μελετημενα ini που ομως αρνηθηκε να δουλεψει στο 1.0 XBOX μου παρα το soft patch του εκτελεσιμου.

Mε το εξαιρετικο Coinops εχω χασει πλεον τη μπαλα. Γινονται ομηρικο τσακωμοι στο 1emulation...Θα δοκιμασω το φρεσκο να δω τι ψαρια πιανει.

Αν καποια απο τα νεα (xport mods) releases προσφερουν κατι νεο στο emulation και τα αδικησα (απεχω λογω χρονου απο τα τεκτενομενα στο scene του xbox δυστυχως), να μας ενημερωσετε plz!
ναι το έχω χάσει και εγώ, γίνεται φιάσκο με τις εκδόσεις, θυμάμαι πριν καιρό δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω ποιά ήταν η τελευταία έκδοση! Coinops R9 , ignite r3 , reignite r585 ...

εγώ πάντως χρησιμοποιώ και τα emus που ρετουσάρει ο madmab, βασικά μόνο artwork είναι αλλά είναι εφετζίδικα!
Μιά βοήθεια στους νέους xboxers (!) guys, το Coinops Showroom X Lite σάν release τρέχει απο το δισκάκι ή θέλει εγκατάσταση ; Επειδή το Xbox που μόλις πήρα είναι το πρώτο μου, το τέσταρα με δυό δισκάκια ένα MameOX και ένα Big ass κάτι, τρέχουν απο το DVD και είναι ΟΚ, αλλα λιγουρεύομαι αυτό το Coinops με τα μενού και τα βίντεα και μου μυρίζει εγκατάσταση όπου δέν ξέρω την τύφλα μου. Προφανώς για να έχεις τίγκα λίστα θα πρέπει να τα βάλεις σε σκληρό, αλλα γενικά υπάρχουν εκδόσεις DVD only Friendly ? (όπως λέγαμε τα βινύλια dj friendly κάποτε :) )
Το Coinops Showroom X Lite τρέχει από δισκάκι, το Coinops Showroom θέλει σκληρό.

Η τελευταία version είναι η Coinops EPIC και φυσικά θέλει εγκατάσταση (αυτήν έχω τώρα).

Ωραία θα αρκεστώ στην Lite για αρχή. Aκόμα δέν έχω χρόνο για να ψάξω πώς περνάς υλικό στον σκληρό, διάβασα ότι γίνεται με FTP και τώρα όλο αυτό μου φαίνεται λίγο βουνό. Πάντως χθές βράδυ δοκίμασα ένα δισκάκι με CPS-1, CPS-2 και Neo Geo και βασικά...μου φτάνει !!! Eλιωσα με sidekicks, windjammers, king of fighters, street hoopz...δέν περίμενα τόσο καλό emulation. Άντε να βρούμε κανα arcade joystick τώρα !