Το βιβλιο της Jean Webster "Daddy-Long-Legs" υπαρχει προς ελευθερο και νομιμο κατεβασμα (εχει ληξει το copyright στις ΗΠΑ) για ολους τους αναγνωστες στο Project Gutenberg.
Η ομοιοτητα του με την Καντυ-Καντυ ειναι εντυπωσιακοτατη. Περιγραφει τη ζωη της Τζουντυ, μιας ορφανης κοπελας, που την παιρνει υπο την κηδεμονια του (οχι υιοθεσια) ενας μυστηριωδης πλουσιος και της προσφερει χρηματα να μορφωθει. Αυστηρος κανονας ειναι να μην ζητησει να τον δει ποτε, αλλα να του γραφει γραμματα περιγραφοντας του τη ζωη της. Εχοντας δει μονο ενα βραδυ τη σκια του, ενα σωμα με επιμηκυσμενα ποδια, η Τζουντυ τον αποκαλει χαϊδευτικα "daddy long-legs". Εντωμεταξυ μπαινει στη ζωη της και ο γοητευτικος θειος μιας φιλης της ο Τζέρβις (Jervis, χαϊδευτικα Jervie), πλουσιος, ανεξαρτητος, μποεμικος και σιγα σιγα τον ερωτευεται. Οταν ο Τζερβι ομως της κανει προταση γαμου, αυτη κομπλαρει, πιστευει οτι δεν ειναι σωστο να παντρευτει αυτη μια αρφανη τον γονο μιας τρανης οικογενειας και του λεει οχι. Να μην τα πολυλογω, στο τελος αποκαλυπτεται οτι ο Τζερβις ητανε ο Daddy-Long-Legs, η παρεξηγηση λυνεται και ζουνε αυτοι καλα και μεις καλυτερα!
Θελετε αποδειξη του ποσο αντεγραψε η Μιζουκι το βιβλιο αυτο; Ειδου η σκηνη που η Τζουντυ παει να γνωρισει επιτελους τον Daddy-Long-Legs.
When I came to the house on Madison Avenue it looked so big and brown
and forbidding that I didn't dare go in, so I walked around the block
to get up my courage. But I needn't have been a bit afraid; your
butler is such a nice, fatherly old man that he made me feel at home at
once. 'Is this Miss Abbott?' he said to me, and I said, 'Yes,' so I
didn't have to ask for Mr. Smith after all. He told me to wait in the
drawing-room. It was a very sombre, magnificent, man's sort of room. I
sat down on the edge of a big upholstered chair and kept saying to
'I'm going to see Daddy-Long-Legs! I'm going to see Daddy-Long-Legs!'
Then presently the man came back and asked me please to step up to the
library. I was so excited that really and truly my feet would hardly
take me up. Outside the door he turned and whispered, 'He's been very
ill, Miss. This is the first day he's been allowed to sit up. You'll
not stay long enough to excite him?' I knew from the way he said it
that he loved you--an I think he's an old dear!
Then he knocked and said, 'Miss Abbott,' and I went in and the door
closed behind me.
It was so dim coming in from the brightly lighted hall that for a
moment I could scarcely make out anything; then I saw a big easy chair
before the fire and a shining tea table with a smaller chair beside it.
And I realized that a man was sitting in the big chair propped up by
pillows with a rug over his knees. Before I could stop him he
rose--rather shakily--and steadied himself by the back of the chair and
just looked at me without a word. And then--and then--I saw it was
you! But even with that I didn't understand. I thought Daddy had had
you come there to meet me or a surprise.
Then you laughed and held out your hand and said, 'Dear little Judy,
couldn't you guess that I was Daddy-Long-Legs?'
In an instant it flashed over me. Oh, but I have been stupid! A
hundred little things might have told me, if I had had any wits. I
wouldn't make a very good detective, would I, Daddy? Jervie? What
must I call you? Just plain Jervie sounds disrespectful, and I can't
be disrespectful to you!
Σ'εχω δει καπου καπου σε ξερω;;
Ααα και το μερος οπου ειναι η εξοχικη επαυλη λεγεται Lock Willow. Φερνει προς Lake Wood, δε νομιζετε;
(Αρα να βγαλουμε το συμπερασμα οτι τελικα σαν την Τζουντυ και η Καντυ τελικα παντρευεται τον ευεργετη της;;; ) :heartcloud:
