The TRQ-310 mono tape recorder/player is a true portable unit which operates either from its 9-volt battery pack or from standard house current. Weighing just 5 pounds and less than 12 inches high, the recorder operates at 3 3 4 and 1% in/s speeds. The amplifier has special jacks for “line” recording from a radio, phono, or other sound source; a microphone jack accepts the electronically matched dynamie mike supplied with the unit or any other high-level, high- impedance microphone. The amplifier is fully transistorized and uses a low-noise thermistor and SCR as well. Amplifier output is 700 mW, sufficient to drive either the built-in 4-incli oval speaker or a high-efficiency external speaker through the speaker jack. Frequency response is 150-7000 Hz at 3 3 4 in/s. Maximum reel capacity is 3".