Λοιπόν, σας παραθέτω αυτούσια την απάντηση του Andy...
I've received the cartridge back and it still works fine on my Vectrex.
As far as i am aware the European version of the Vectrex is identical to the UK one, they were all made in Hong Kong and have the same BIOS (with the plain Vectrex title screen). US and Canadian machines show the 'ENTERTAINING NEW IDEAS' message on startup.
There have been problems in the past with other peoples homebrew carts not working with one or the other, the first batch of Mark Woodward's multicarts only worked on European machines, and John Dondzillas original batch of Patriots cartridges would only run on a US Vectrex. I don't think this is the problem with my multicart, I've sold them to UK, US and European customers so far without any other problems.
The specifics of your problem (ie that the Vectrex boots to Minestorm rather than the cart) would suggest that this is an issue with the flash memory chip on the cart rather than any of the other components (which make up the bankswitch logic). During development i found that any bankswitching problems mean that the cartridge either boots to a different game on the multicart instead of the menu, or the vectrex shows a garbled title screen.
The only real thought i have is that maybe the 5V supply on your Vectrex is slightly higher or lower than it should be. This wouldn't affect the ROM chips or EPROMs in standard cartridges as they have a much greater tolerance to voltage variations (they'll generally work with anything between 2V and 5V). The flash chips i'm using are much less tolerant, they require the supply line to be between 4.5V and 5.5V. I must stress that this is just a guess.
I can see three options for resolving the situation.
1 - You buy another Vectrex
(not a very good suggestion, i know)
2 - You return the second cartridge and i refund you in full for your purchase and both lots of return shipping.
3 - I build you a custom multicart using a standard EPROM instead of a flash chip to see if that solves your problem. This would involve adding a second board into the cartridge casing to house the EPROM and making a few modifications to the PCB, but the outside of the cart would look identical to the normal ones. I can't promise that this will solve your problem but at least it would mean i've tried everything
If this still didn't work i'd obviously refund you in full.
Let me know what you'd like to do. Please accept my apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
Kind Regards, Andy.
Τι λέτε ? Σκέφτομαι να του πω αν θέλει να δοκιμάσει να φτιάξει το custom που είπε ...αλλά και πάλι..δεν ξέρω....
Γιώργο (geoanas) τι λες εσύ που ξέρεις κάτι παραπάνω?