Αυτο ειναι και δικεια μου απορια και πραγματικα δεν μπορω να το καταλαβω.spyros_s είπε:Το emulation των παιχνιδομηχανών 1-2 γενιές πριν θα είναι για τους νεώτερους ότι ήταν/είναι για εμάς το mame!Πάντα όμως είχα την απορία πως οι σύγχρονοι πανίσχυροι, πολυπύρηνοι υπολογιστές με τις φοβερές κάρτες γραφικών και την τεράστια μνήμη αδυνατούν να εξομοιώσουν πλήρως μηχανήματα σχεδόν μιας δεκαετίας πριν όπως το ps3 ή το xbo60! Ακόμα χειρότερα πως δεν μπορούν να εξομοιώσουν αξιοπρεπώς ps2 και xbox!
Eίναι θέμα προγραμματιστών, ζήτησης και πολυπλοκότητας της κονσόλας που θες να εξομοιώσεις. Εγώ ακόμα περιμένω έναν emulator της προκοπής για το Jaguar, για παράδειγμα. Το PS2 από ότι ξέρω έχει προχωρήσει πολύ πάντως ενώ ακόμα καλύτερη είναι η εξομοίωση του GC/Wii.spyros_s είπε:Το emulation των παιχνιδομηχανών 1-2 γενιές πριν θα είναι για τους νεώτερους ότι ήταν/είναι για εμάς το mame!Πάντα όμως είχα την απορία πως οι σύγχρονοι πανίσχυροι, πολυπύρηνοι υπολογιστές με τις φοβερές κάρτες γραφικών και την τεράστια μνήμη αδυνατούν να εξομοιώσουν πλήρως μηχανήματα σχεδόν μιας δεκαετίας πριν όπως το ps3 ή το xbo60! Ακόμα χειρότερα πως δεν μπορούν να εξομοιώσουν αξιοπρεπώς ps2 και xbox!
ScummVM 1.7.0
New Games:
Added support for Chivalry is Not Dead.
Added support for Return to Ringworld.
Added support for The Neverhood.
Added support for Mortville Manor.
Added support for Voyeur.
Updated Munt MT-32 emulation code to version 1.3.0.
Switched from our custom JPEG and PNG decoders to libjpeg(-turbo) and libpng, which are faster and can handle more images. (NOTE: The change to libpng was done in version 1.6.0, but it was not added to the NEWS file).
Added generic OpenGL (ES) output (based on GSoC Task).
The GUI can now be rendered in 32-bits.
The build system has been changed to be more modular and easier to add new engines.
Added OpenGL graphics mode based on our generic OpenGL output. This allows for arbitrary output sizes. However, it does not support special filters like AdvMAME, HQ, etc.
Added mouse wheel support for inventory and save game lists.
Enabled verb name display in Simon the Sorcerer 2.
Fixed the Feeble Files loyalty rating in the English 4CD version. (This was apparently a bug in the original game. It is currently unknown if other versions still have the same problem.)
Broken Sword 1:
Added back support for MPEG-2 videos.
Broken Sword 2:
Added back support for MPEG-2 videos.
Added an option to enable "Color Blind Mode" to the ScummVM GUI.
Improved video quality in Urban Runner.
Added an option to toggle "Gore Mode" from the ScummVM GUI.
Fixed bug that could cause the music to stop prematurely.
Fixed several rare crashes and glitches.
Fixed multiple bugs carried over from the original binary.
Added support for the more detailed RAVE lip syncing data in the Windows version of King's Quest 6. Portraits should now be much more expressive when talking.
Added support for simultaneous speech and subtitles in the CD versions of Laura Bow 2 and King's Quest 6 (toggled either in-game with the new "Dual" audio state, or via the ScummVM audio options).
Fixed music fading.
Fixed several script bugs in Camelot, Crazy Nick's, Hoyle 3, QFG1VGA, KQ5, KQ6, LB2, LSL2, LSL5, Pharkas, PQ1VGA, SQ4, SQ5.
Improved the MIDI parser so that music event processing is done more properly.
Changed the saved game naming scheme of HE games to always contain the target name.
Fixed having multiple coaches in Backyard Football.
Improved AdLib support for Loom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
This makes sound effects like, for example, the typewriter and waterfall
in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade sound like in the original.
Added support for the Steam versions of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Loom and The Dig. Both the Windows and the Macintosh versions are supported.
Savegames in Tony Tough now work on big-endian systems.
Discworld 1 and 2 no longer crash on big-endian systems.
Android port:
Added experimental support for the OUYA console.
PS2 port:
Added configurable TV modes: NTSC and PAL.
Added configurable graphics modes: SDTV progressive, SDTV interlaced, EDTV progressive and VESA.
Added a configuration option for the HDD partition used.
Added a configuration option for the IP address used.
Added a configuration option to toggle USB mass storage.
Tizen port:
The BADA port has been merged/updated into Tizen.
Nεα εκδοση του ScummVM 1.7.0 , της ...~ adventure Virtual MachineScummVM 1.7.0
New Games:
Added support for Chivalry is Not Dead.
Added support for Return to Ringworld.
Added support for The Neverhood.
Added support for Mortville Manor.
Added support for Voyeur.
Updated Munt MT-32 emulation code to version 1.3.0.
Switched from our custom JPEG and PNG decoders to libjpeg(-turbo) and libpng, which are faster and can handle more images. (NOTE: The change to libpng was done in version 1.6.0, but it was not added to the NEWS file).
Added generic OpenGL (ES) output (based on GSoC Task).
The GUI can now be rendered in 32-bits.
The build system has been changed to be more modular and easier to add new engines.
Added OpenGL graphics mode based on our generic OpenGL output. This allows for arbitrary output sizes. However, it does not support special filters like AdvMAME, HQ, etc.
Added mouse wheel support for inventory and save game lists.
Enabled verb name display in Simon the Sorcerer 2.
Fixed the Feeble Files loyalty rating in the English 4CD version. (This was apparently a bug in the original game. It is currently unknown if other versions still have the same problem.)
Broken Sword 1:
Added back support for MPEG-2 videos.
Broken Sword 2:
Added back support for MPEG-2 videos.
Added an option to enable "Color Blind Mode" to the ScummVM GUI.
Improved video quality in Urban Runner.
Added an option to toggle "Gore Mode" from the ScummVM GUI.
Fixed bug that could cause the music to stop prematurely.
Fixed several rare crashes and glitches.
Fixed multiple bugs carried over from the original binary.
Added support for the more detailed RAVE lip syncing data in the Windows version of King's Quest 6. Portraits should now be much more expressive when talking.
Added support for simultaneous speech and subtitles in the CD versions of Laura Bow 2 and King's Quest 6 (toggled either in-game with the new "Dual" audio state, or via the ScummVM audio options).
Fixed music fading.
Fixed several script bugs in Camelot, Crazy Nick's, Hoyle 3, QFG1VGA, KQ5, KQ6, LB2, LSL2, LSL5, Pharkas, PQ1VGA, SQ4, SQ5.
Improved the MIDI parser so that music event processing is done more properly.
Changed the saved game naming scheme of HE games to always contain the target name.
Fixed having multiple coaches in Backyard Football.
Improved AdLib support for Loom and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
This makes sound effects like, for example, the typewriter and waterfall
in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade sound like in the original.
Added support for the Steam versions of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Loom and The Dig. Both the Windows and the Macintosh versions are supported.
Savegames in Tony Tough now work on big-endian systems.
Discworld 1 and 2 no longer crash on big-endian systems.
Android port:
Added experimental support for the OUYA console.
PS2 port:
Added configurable TV modes: NTSC and PAL.
Added configurable graphics modes: SDTV progressive, SDTV interlaced, EDTV progressive and VESA.
Added a configuration option for the HDD partition used.
Added a configuration option for the IP address used.
Added a configuration option to toggle USB mass storage.
Tizen port:
The BADA port has been merged/updated into Tizen.
Nemo είπε:Port σε JAVASCRIPT του MESS (Multi Emulator Super System) του αδελφου project του ΜΑΜΕ απο τους Justin de Vesine, Alon Zakai, John Vilk, Andre D, Justin Kerk, Vitorio Miliano, και Jason Scott .
>>> http://jsmess.textfiles.com/
Source Code
Απλα οραματιστειτε το δυναμικο του project ( 685 μοναδικα συστηματα και 1771 παραλλαγες τους) σε javascript .
π.χ. >>> https://archive.org/details/historicalsoftware
Υ.Γ2 Αν παραβαινει καποιο κανονισμο το παρων reply ας γινει edit ή ας γινει delete (αφου ομως πειτε με p.m. γιατι)
http://www.retromaniax.gr/vb/showthread.php?27166-The-Console-Living-Room-Internet-Archive&p=492270&viewfull=1#post492270Nemo είπε:Το Internet Archive σας δίνει πρόσβαση σε περισσότερα από 900 κλασσικά παιχνίδια
Προβολή συνημμένου 117596
Οντως, οι κινησεις για την εξομοιωση του 64DD εχουνε ξεκινησει πολλα χρονια. Απο το 2008 περιπου γινανε καποιες πολυ σοβαρες κινησεις, αλλα δεν καρποφορησαν τελικα. Τα παιχνιδια ειχαν μετατραπει επισης σε ψηφιακη μορφη απο παλια, ωστοσο μεχρι προτινως αυτα ειχαν διαφορα προβληματα, οπου υποτιθεται πως πλεον εξαληφθηκαν.Agahnim είπε:νομιζω πως εχουν γινει dump ολα τα παιχνιδια που βγηκαν επισημα +το dezaemon DD και το mario64 DD που δεν κυκλοφορισαν ποτε.
αυτο που δεν γνωριζα ειναι οτι ο pj64 υποστηριζει πλεον και DD παιχνιδια! εαν ισχυει αυτο, ειναι φανταστικο! δεν ειχαμε ποτε την ευκαιρια να αγορασουμε αυτο το μηχανακι και η τιμη του στο ebay εχει ξεφυγει! μακαρι καποτε να βρεθει και το ura zelda (το πραγματικο! οχι το master quest)
πως περασαν ετσι τα χρονια...
Χεχε ηξερα πως θα ερχοταν καποια στιγμη ο φιλτατος Imgema για να δει τι γινεται και με το F-Zero X. Και ναι λοιπον, ο συγκεκριμενος τιτλος χαιρει ακρας δημοτικοτητας και αγαπης, και η μεταφραση του θεωρειται δεδομενη!Imgema είπε:Δηλαδή πλέον μπορούμε να παίξουμε το expansion του F-Zero X?
Αυτό μου λέτε τώρα?![]()