Μιλάς σοβαρά; Ξέρεις πόσο κοστίζει ένα κανονικό τζάκι; Εργάτες, σκόνη, κάπνα, χώρος για τα ξύλα...Gryzor είπε:Εεεεε είναι σοβαροί; Θέλουν 400 πουάν για αυτό; Ρε δεν πάνε καλάαααααααααααα θα μείνω με τη χιονογυαλα να την κουνάω πάνω κάτω...
Μόνο μην την πολυκουνάς πάνω - κάτω, θα ανάψεις και εσύ...Gryzor είπε:Εεεεε είναι σοβαροί; Θέλουν 400 πουάν για αυτό; Ρε δεν πάνε καλάαααααααααααα θα μείνω με τη χιονογυαλα να την κουνάω πάνω κάτω...
Telamonas.stokos είπε:Και γιατι δεν βαζετε αυτο screensaver
ειναι τσαμπα και δεν θελει και ξυλα...
Treasure's Maegawa: Microsoft Asked For Radiant Silvergun On XBLA [Gamasutra]In an interview with Gamasutra, Treasure CEO Masato Maegawa reveals that Microsoft has requested the classic Saturn shoot-em Radiant Silvergun for Xbox Live Arcade, but Treasure has yet to say yes.
Radiant Silvergun is a classic shooter that's developed a cult following despite the fact that it never saw release here in the states. In fact, it was the first game I ever imported, opening up a whole new expensive way for me to burn through my paycheck. It's no wonder Microsoft wants it. Getting it, however, is another story.
"Microsoft actually asked us if we could put it out," he says. "We're thinking about it, certainly, but it's not as simple as just saying 'OK, let's put it up.' I mean, sure, with Ikaruga, we released it as-is without having to do or add a great deal to the game, and it was popular and well accepted for what it was. But if you play Radiant Silvergun nowadays, it's certainly aged in assorted ways, and I'm not sure they're all good,"
Basically, Treasure would love to see the game get back into the hands of the players, but isn't sure that XBLA is the place to do it.
"I think we'd definitely like to see it out there. But the situation around that game is a bit different from Ikaruga, so I don't know if we'd see it on [Xbox Live]."
Could this herald a possible remake of the beloved title? Inquiring minds want to know. I want to know.
Hit up the link below for more, and be sure to check out Gama's full interview with Maegawa for more juicy Treasure info.
Δωράκι για όλους τους χρήστες του xbox 360 τα νέα ρουχαλάκια και αξεσουάρ για τα αγαπημένα σας αβατάρ...Johnny is a veteran member of The Lost, a notorious biker gang. Johnny has been creating business opportunities for The Lost in Liberty City, but his first loyalty must be to the patch he wears on his back and to Billy Grey, the clubʼs President. However, when Billy returns from rehab hell-bent on bloodshed and debauchery, Johnny finds himself in the middle of a vicious turf war with rival gangs for control of a city torn apart by violence and corruption. Can the brotherhood survive?
Αν μπορουσα θα απαγορευα την ευκολη-λυση/αρπακτη των remakes.
Ελεος, με τετοια budget δεν μπορουν να σκεφτουν κατι σεναριακα πρωτοτυπο??
Xbox 360 System update now available (no new features) [Major Nelson]A mandatory update has just hit the Xbox 360. According to Microsoft's Larry Hryb, "This update addresses interruption issues that some Xbox LIVE users may have experienced when playing a limited number of Xbox 360 games."
Meaning? "There are no other changes or enhancements in this update…in other words no new features."