
  • Έναρξη μίζας Έναρξη μίζας pooky(1)
  • Ημερομηνία έναρξης Ημερομηνία έναρξης
Δεν υπαρχει τιποτα καλυτερο .απο το να βλεπεις τη σφαιρα να διαπερνα το θωρακα του αντιπαλου σου και να καρφωνεται στο πισω λοφο!Ολα αυτα με sinper rifle 7,62
Ρε τρελέ, γι'αυτό δεν απαντάς το κινητό;

Είμαι πίσω σου, αν και θα το παίξω από την αρχή μόλις έρθει το νέο μηχάνημα, δεν με βιάζει τίποτε φιλάρα.

Πραγματικά ότι καλύτερο έχω παίξει κι εγώ μέχρι τώρα, η αίσθηση όταν πρωτοβλέπεις τα ζόμπι είναι αξεπέραστη.

Περιμένω λίγο ακόμα τις πτώσεις τιμών της AMD στις 9 του Απρίλη (κάτι ακούστηκε 3600 δυπήρυνος με 59 ευρώ....... ), στήνω το μηχάνημα από την αρχή και το ΞΑΝΑΡΧΙΖΩ για να παίξω με την πιό γρήγορη κάρτα γραφικών. Όχι το Oblivion θα το συνεχίσω από εκεί που έχω μείνει, αν και δεν θυμάμαι καν που είμαι. Πήγα να μπω λίγο για να το δείξω σε ένα ξαδερφάκι και αναρωτιώμουν που είναι τα κυάλια και το AK-47.........
Τι να σας πω ρε παιδιά...Εγώ εξακολουθώ να να είμαι χωρίς ούτε μια σφαίρα...Το περίεργο είναι πως σκοτώνω τύπους με πολυβόλα χωρίς να προλάβουν να ρίξουν πολλές σφαίρες..Παίρνω το όπλο τους και δεν έχει ούτε μια σφαίρα..Κάτι δεν πάει καλά.......:mad:
Ψάξε τα πτώματα (F) και εκεί μέσα μπορείς να βρεις σφαίρες. Επίσης μπορείς να αγοράσεις σφαίρες στους εκάστοτε εμπόρους.

Να θυμάσαι πως όλα τα πυρομαχικά δεν κάνουν για όλα τα όπλα. Άλλες σφαίρες πάιρνει το αυτόματο, άλλες το πιστόλι χειρός και άλλες η καραμπίνα. Ομάδες όπλων έχουν συμβατά πυρομαχικά μεταξύ τους.
Αντε να δουμε ποτε θα το ξεκινησω κι εγω το παιχνιδι....!!

(ναι,ναι ακομη.....!!!)

Μαλλον θα συμπεσει με την αγορα της 7800 GS οπως παει....!!
Pooky,κατι πηρε το αυτι μου οτι η Ε.Κ.Α.Μ. ψαχνει για νεα ατομα....

Θες να μεριμνησω......?? :D
Εψές μου ήρθε το συλλεκτικό.

Το εγγατέστησα
περιμενουμε ενα overview...
Από ποιον? Από εμένα? Αφού υπάρχει ο SD και ο Pooky!

Εγώ απλά το εγκατέστησα, είδα τα γραφικά και δοκίμασα λίγο να παίξω.

Το κακό είναι ότι ήρθε λίγες μέρες μετά το FSX και Silent Hunter 4.
και ακόμα χειρότερα περιμένω από μέρα σε μέρα C&C3

σιγουρα το φρεσκο patch θα σας ειναι χρησιμο...διοτι

1. Buttons remain "pressed" and value changes on its own in Options

2. Players can kill teammates with the knife when friendly fire is set to 0

3. Game crashed when client player types a server command in console

4. Game crashes when entering a MP game after dying in SP

5. Multiplayer map names will appear in debug text format when voting to change a multiplayer map during gameplay.

6. The game crashes while attempting to purchase an item, after pressing Buy button multiple times from the Buy Menu.

7. The game crashes when the user triggers an anomaly after the anomaly time is set to 0.

8. Purchased affordable weapons fail to be in the inventory when one item purchased exceeds the user's monetary amount.

9. The player will lose the weapon he has stored in his inventory as well as the equipped weapon when the equipped weapon is dropped in MP.

10. The host is able to pause the game during an MP game.

11. Players are able to duplicate other player names by using the "name" command in the console.

12. The user is unable to view a fly-by cutscene if their PDA is open while triggering the cutscene.

13. The user can speed up time with the * key on the numpad in SP

14. Players can damage and kill other teammates while friendly fire is set to 0.0

15. The starting weather in-game does not accurately reflect the starting weather set by the server host in multiplayer match

16. The corpse created by a user switching teams remains in the game when playing multiplayer team deathmatch or artifact hunt.

17. Options "show weapon" and "NPC identification" fail to function

18. The up and down function for the look feature are inverted through out the game.

19. The server will crash when the players vote to change maps, but don't select a map to change to.

20. Players will take no fall damage when friendly fire is set to 0 on the server

21. The player dies when trying to exit out of the skin menu back into gameplay

22. Death by an anomaly is not recorded as a negative frag when playing Team Deathmatch.

23. Game Crash when opening buy menu from certain spot in Artifact Hunt mode

24. The prompt for the buy menu and entry via pressing the spacebar appears when in spectator mode during any network game.

25. Professor Kruglov sometimes can't open the door to the mobile science lab

26. When player stands close to a wall and shoots grenade launcher, the grenade falls out of the map without damaging anyone.

27. Possibility of killing enemies through the roofs and walls

28. When killing Wolf before completing any of additional quests given from him, these quests doesn't change status from "Active Tasks" to "Failed Tasks" in PDA.

29. Problem with quest: "Kill gang leader" when piece of text in PDA is directing user to kill leader in Dark Valley. Quest is completed after kill this bandit on Garbage level.

30. Disappearing piece of scroll belt in Main Menu when the player changes resolution to 800x600

31. Anomalies were not appearing when turned on in server options menu.

32. Game crashed when creating a Team Deathmatch server with spectator on.

33. Problems with ‘Slug’ artifact.

34. Possibility to take the decoder through the Wall

35. Issue with cash in inventory on MP build

36. NPC called Seriy has 3 different names: Seriy, Gray and Grey.

37. Problem with price of weapon in inventory

38. Game crashed when vote for kicking a player ended

39. Rare game crash during multiplayer match, after players choose a team.

40. Exploit with update rate command

41. Wood in barrels is flickering, although there's no fire there.

42. Player can jump between 2 stalkers and table inside the bar and become stuck.

43. Two side quests from Sakharov have wrong description.

44. After playing in multiplayer mode and then starting single player game, Sidorovich has one of multiplayer nicks instead of his name.

45. Game crashed when player fight with pseudodogs on red forest.

46. The game crashes to a non-responsive state (task manager) when attempting to host multiplayer game a second time with an invalid CD-key.

47. On Win 2000 PCs, the Windows Desktop cursor has no functionality when minimizing the game (Alt+Tab).

48. The game will result in a soft crash when a player dies from radioactive poisoning, then immediately falls into the tunnel well that leads out of the Agroprom Underground level.

49. The arrow buttons remain depressed when clicked and dragged off the boxes, thus making the value increase or decrease indefinitely in the options menu of network games.

50. Game crashed during map rotation. This issue occurs several times while playing with maps (Vehicle station, Desolated Village and Deserted Factory)

51. Game crashes when entering an MP game after dying in SP

52. The Host will crash and all Clients will either return to the main menu, crash to the desktop, or the program will shut itself down and return the user to the desktop, when attempting to drop a player while users are In-Game

53. Users are able to pick up an opponent's grenade after it has been thrown and then use it themselves.

54. The players name switches to a random player's name with a _1 after it in multiplayer if no name is entered in the network games menu.

55. Players fail to be kicked, after unanimously voting to remove them, during network gameplay.

56. Player is unable to ban other player, everybody vote for, line "voting succeed" appears and nothing happens. Player that was supposed to be banned still can play and do whatever he wants on the server.

57. The starting weather in-game does not accurately reflect the starting weather set by the server host in multiplayer match

58. Saved game are over written when attempting a second save uses the first saved game's name followed by a "space" and any other word or number during single player campaign.

59. The artifact is unaffected by gravity when dropped during an artifact hunt game.

60. Players take no explosion damage when the friendly fire damage option is set to 0 in the server options of a team deathmatch game.

61. The game will crash, halting progression when transferring from Station to the Sarcophagus.

62. When player wants to reload a weapon, and start fast shooting, he can't do that because weapon continues reloading.

63. The game crashes when a player is killed immediately after they are re-spawned into the game.

64. The weapons fail to scroll when using the mouse wheel after all the grenades have been used during single player gameplay.

65. Minor text bugs.

66. Various balance issues in Singleplayer and Multiplayer.

67. Various known exploits/cheats.

68. Various other issues.
warning,περιμενετε κατεβαστε το world wide patch ΟΧΙ ΤΟ ΡΩΣΣΙΚΟ Η' ΤΟ US http://glitches.planettonyhawk.gamespy.com/ftw/stalker/ui_icon_equipment.jpg

Επισης,τα παλια saves ΔΕΝ ισχυουν.ΤΟ ΝΟΥ ΣΑΣ.

Παντως,απο αυτους που το δοκιμασαν,ειναι κυριως για το multiplayer.Εξαλλου,αν κατι δουλευει...και εννοω το single player ,ΔΕΝ το πειραζουμε(ειδικα τα παλιοπαιδα που το "βρηκαν"-αφου δεν εχει βγει ακομα το no-dvd fix για το patch)

Για την ιστορια να αναφερω οτι στον Pooky και σε μενα ,δεν εχει παρουσιασει ΚΑΝΕΝΑ προβλημα!!!!!!!!
Kαι εγώ περιμένω εναγωνίως το νέο σύστημα.


700 ή 800 τροφδοτικό;

Να πάρω το Thermaltake Armor ή το Candalf??????

παντως στα 3 giga που εχω το μηχανημα, μου κανει κατι χοντροκοληματα οσο αφορα για 360ο....το παει καρε καρε, και οταν περπατω πχ σε μια ευθεια

το bug αυτο γινεται και σε αλλους?.....σκεφτομαι να το κανω uninstall
φαντάζομαι έχεις ξεικινήσει το σύστημα σου με το /3gb option έτσι?
δεν εχω πειραξει τιποτα απο τα options

αλλα συνεχεια μου κανει αυτο το bug..που οφειλεται?